Tale of Antisepticeye: Not us...then who?

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Mark was crying in the corner of the room on a little chair, nurses and doctors surrounded Jack with more and more of them were running into the room holding gadgets and needles! 

"Jack was dying in my arms and I didn't notice?" Mark whispered in pain

All the doctors checked the machines attached to Jack, they then walked out the room talking about having a cup of tea and coffee. Mark got up and wiped the tears from his face he slowly walked up to Jack who was lying peacefully, the septic had gone away and the doctors had placed towels on his abs, on his sides were faint stitches. Mark looked over at the heart and pulse rate and it is a normal pace, I then looked down at Jack who was waking up!

"Jack...." Mark had nothing to say, he is scared of what happened before and if it's going to happen again.

"Mark, where am I?" Jack had his normal toned voice shouting down Mark's ears

"Jack I am so happy you don't understand! 

"Mark, have you been crying?" Jack asked sitting up slowly 

"What! No no no...heh" Mark felt embarrassed

Jack sat up and felt a lot better, he looked down at the stitches across his abs and asked Mark how this happened and why they are there. Mark had his hands behind his back, took a deep breathe and told Jack everything that had happened.

Jack's POV

Mark told me everything, I can't believe he had to go through all that...especially when I was...dying. That's probably why he looks like he's been crying, a doctor swung the door open and rushed in, she took the bandages and tubes off me becuase I didn't need them. She then unplugged everything...I leaned over to the side of the bed and looked down at the ground, I still felt dizzy from passing out.

Mark's POV

I was standing against the hospital bed and saw that Jack was sitting staring at the floor, he shuffled forward and both of his feet are on the floor, he held onto the table next to him but the table had wheels! Jack slipped! I lunged forward to the falling Jack and held out my arms to catch him, the doctor then jumped forward and held Jack's arm...we both lifted him up back on his feet and looked at him to make sure he was alright, I looked at the doctor and she gave me a dirty look as if she was angry at me! How dare she!

"You alright?" I shouted and held Jack's arm to steady him

"God, I'm...alright." Jack said leaning against the bed

"Alright, I'LL walk you to the door." I looked at the doctor 'tryingto be respectful  

The doctor let go and walked out the door in her stupid long heels, I held Jack's arms and back to help him to the door, I pushed my foot to open the door but not enough strength went into it, I tried again and Jack started to laugh, I finally kicked the door open we laughing so hard we couldn't control ourselves.

I sat Jack down at the cafe in the hospital and gave him a coffee, it was free so I had one too. We both sat sipping the burning hot coffee looking at each other, Jack had his woolly hat on, while wearing his black hoodie with a Sam Septiceye printed onto it I had my Markiplier top on. No one recognised us...thank god!

I helped Jack to the car park and realised that we came here in an ambulance, I don't want to tell anyone about 'our dark versions' but I might have to. So I called Matt to come pick us up.

"Jack, Matt is going to pick us up just hang on for a bit." I said shoving my phone into my pocket.

"Alright Mark, I'm doing fine anyway so it'll be alright." Jack had a happy spirit floating inside of him but Anti and Dark have gone and no one gave them their soul...well not us!

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