Antisepticeye The Sequel: Pain Is All I Feel

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Mark's POV

Pain is all I feel right now, it's killing me and I can't think straight. I can feel my energy being sucked out but then negative energy being transferred inside me, my sight is blurry and my hearing is muffled along with echoes coming from different voices around me. I have no control over my body as It's spazzing out on the bed but the way I'm feeling it's like I'm paralysed and can't do nothing but try and escape the darkness which surrounds me caving my soul from the light! Pink, black, pink, black over and over again in my mind and echoes say 'Who will it be?' and 'Who will you choose, Mark?' I don't know what it means but does the colours represent Wilford and Dark? 

This is why Wilford's back, he wants to take Dark's place and then take over me! He always has done but since I chose Dark Wilford has changed from the monster he already was to a huge mess of a murderous spree! I can't imagine choosing him over Dark but I never wanted to choose...I didn't want any of them but Dark has been a lot more friendly since we met and has became my buddy even though he's the evil side of me he's completely the opposite of Wilford and that is why he went into that prison to be locked up and Light and the other Ipliers will find him...I hope.

Wilford's POV

My plan is going perfectly, A/n's mind is easy to control I don't think she's got her full powers yet so I'll have some fun with her. Meanwhile, Mark was not having a fun time I'm draining his energy and Dark is placing his energy into Mark meaning Dark will have no power over me and would be weak, Mark wouldn't know how to control the evil inside him so I'll mind control him to work for me along with A/n then Anti and Jack can be my servants also hypnotised to do whatever I say and do what ever I want and I'll rule over every Iplier there is!

An evil chuckle slid from my mouth as a smirk grew on my face from ear to ear. My eyes turned black with a pink iris ready to give this a whole big shot! I changed my clothes to be a black suit with a white shirt and bright pink tie and straps going over my shoulders from my waist. I slip on black trousers which match my suit blazer and some thin toe black shiny shoes, I grab a little comb and brush my pink quiff at the front of my fringe to the left side to look 'presentable' and shrivelled into pink smoke hiding round the house.

Anti's POV

Me and A/n kissed for a long time and broke apart smiling, we both layed next to each other on the bed looking up at the ceiling holding hands. The door is closed and I can't hear anything from what is happening outside but there's probably nothing except for Wilford being the idiot he is messing around the house.

"A/n." I say while smiling a little more

"Yes Anti?" A/n turns her head to look at me

" you wanna go out with me?" I chuckle a little nervously

"Of course!" A/n squeals happily hugging me and kissing my left cheek on the side she is laying on

I smile and carried on looking up at the ceiling holding hands until I heard chuckling which filled the room eerily. I look over to the side of the room next to the door to see Wilford standing there in what looks like a suit with a stupid bright pink tie.

"Love birds." Wilford laughs 

"Shut up Wilford, leave us alone." I shout at him as he walks over

"Nah don't feel like it." Wilford laughs which only makes me angrier

A/n grabs my hand and stands up to look at Wilford, he smiles about to grab her hips until she slaps his hands and carried on staring into his eyes. I have no idea what she's doing but Wilford's eyes are changing to a deep reddish black colour like A/n's when she had transformed. Wilford started to get shaky and he fell to the floor asleep. 

"Woah, how did you do that?" I ask her astonished from this

"I..I can mind control?" A/n looks up at me confused

"I guess you found one of your powers." I smile at her 

"Really?" She squeals looking down at Wilford passed out on the floor

"Yeah." I hug her lifting A/n up to touch the ceiling and then back down kissing her gently on the lips, we walked out the room closing it behind us knowing he'll be in there for a while.

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