Antisepticeye The Sequel: We're Back

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Just got to say that I have started the sequel on the original story which is this one so sorry for the confusion! 

3 months after the incident

Jack is back at his house in Ireland and Mark is living peacefully with his little sister in Los Angeles along with Matt and Ryan, Mark still remembers what had happened to him and Jack and the whole experience. Pax was cancelled as Mark and Jack were in hospital from waking up after twenty four hours of torture. Police are searching for the two suspects, Antisepticeye and Darkiplier, but have not found them except for the evidence in bushes by the abandoned road. The investigation continues...

Jack's POV

Recording videos is normal but I have that same picture spinning in my head of the broken mirrors, the hospital and of this all being a nightmare but I don't think it is especially when I remember it so well and so does Mark. He's terrified especially when his little sister has started living with him and the summoning star in his basement, Dark and Anti could be hiding there. The police inform me every week of the evidence they find which worries me especially when memories flood in my brain of what exactly happened! I text and call Mark everyday to check on him and so does he, my fans have been asking 'what's wrong' and 'are you okay, you don't seem the same in your videos lately', I try to answer as much as I can when I see this come up but I don't want to worry them...

Mark's POV

I remember so much from what had happened but strangely Matt and Ryan can't remember a thing! I am worried about them but happy that they don't have to go over the pain of remembering this terrible experience everyday. People who watch me on youtube and follow me on twitter have been noticing the way I act and are still asking questions on why I wasn't posting for two weeks, I want to make a video of me explaining but that will only worry them more and I don't want to hurt anymore people! Poor Jack, he must be feeling the same...

I decide to record a video explaining everything! They deserve to know everything!

"Hello, everybody my name's Markiplier and I have to tell you something important!" I say softly looking at the camera at how many people are watching this as it is live.

"Okay, I've been away for a while as...something has happened to me and Jack...not not septiplier, I'm being serious but I can't say what exactly is going on due to you being worried about me and I don't want you to be worried about me but me and Jack have been having some bad nightmares..." I breathed in thinking about what I just said and the view count had increased.

"The nightmares have been about Darkiplier and I know I know that's stupid but I'm being serious and I really didn't want to say anything else especially when Jack might not want me to talk about what's been happening to him. This is worrying me a lot and my little sister (your channel name) is living with me now and I hope she's alright!"

"I can't say anything else but please do not worry about us, we're fine! As always I'll see you in the next video, bye bye." I lean to turn my camera off as the live stream finishes with messages coming in rapidly!

I'm really upset that I had to tell them all about this, I have never been so upset in a video before and I think they can tell as I felt my eyes gather up tears...I hope Anti and Dark have gone!

"Oh no Mark, we're back!"

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