Antisepticeye The Sequel: Dark's Sister

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Jack and Mark  are sucked into Anti and Dark while take A/n while she had passed out from pain in her stomach, They have now taken A/n to Anti's mansion where he hand taken Jack 3 months ago!

Antisepticeye's POV

I walk down the long hallway with Dark, I remember the time when I trapped Jack in my septic tank, too bad stupid Mark had to get in the way...and Dark. Never mind about that but now I have Mark's little sister and they can't get out!

"Anti remember when Mark was hiding at that exact septic tank over there!" Dark points over at the septic tank which has a tiny crack on from when Mark bumped his head! 

"Don't remind me of that! I could of got Jack but no! Mark had to come and save him didn't he and you! You had to trip over and fall on top of me!" I say angrily but then regret saying the last line as it made Dark blush.

Dark blushes a deep red looking at me as I roll my eyes and walk towards the guest room I kept around the corner for any 'guests' who stay.

I walk over to the room and peek in to see a motionless A/n sleep on the master bed in the middle of the room, I stare at her as she rolls over. Her h/c hair falls on her face, she looks so peaceful!

Dark runs behind me to catch up, I have the door to the room slightly open where I am peeping in to see but Dark then runs up to me from behind and I fall with Dark once again on top of me. I look up as the door swings open and hits the wall, hard! 

Your POV

I hear a bang from the door as I jolt up awake with my eyes shot open, I then regret getting up as a sting in my stomach occurs! I look around to then notice that I'm in a bedroom, not mine though, I then see Anti and Dark on the floor. I move forward to get off the bed and looked down at them confused.

"Eh, what's this?" I say as I don't know what else to say in this situation.

"Oh...get off me! Uh A/n your awake!" Anti says trying to get up off Dark as he is sliding off Anti, I see him blushing. What's going on here.

"Yeah, I got woken up by the door swinging open hitting the wall and I see you two on the floor!" I say sarcastically crossing my arms looking down at them.

"Don't look at me it was Dark!" Anti says getting off the floor pointing at Dark like a five year old.

"What the hell is going on?" I say looking at them both, I see their eyes flicker back to their normal eyes.

"JACK! MARK!" I shout happily that they are back to normal!"

I grab Jack's arm and Mark's arm and help them both over to the bed, they both lie down, I climb over the bed to look at them to check if they're hurt.

"I see why people ship them!" I joke to myself

I look over at Mark and carefully take his glasses off and place them on the bed side table, Jack isn't wearing his cap, he must of left it back at his place. I move over and stare at Jack, he sleeps peacefully, I hear them both breathing heavily. I lift up my shaky hand and place it on Jack's head. I lose focus and start to stroke Jack's head, I don't notice his eyes flutter open!

Jack's POV

I slowly open my eyes to feel the warm soft skin stroke my face, my sight is a little blurry but it then became in focus and I see A/n sitting next to me staring straight at me, I smile as I don't think she has noticed.

"What are you doing?" I laugh a little in my voice as she jumps of fright looking down at me then her hand.

"Oh God, sorry I..uh..." A/n stutters blushing while embarrassed

I can tell that I've embarrassed her now, I get up and see that I have been lying next to Mark this whole time...the fangirls would go crazy!" A/n slides of the side of the bed and looks down at the floor.I smile but notice our surroundings!  

"WHY ARE WE AT ANTI'S HOUSE!?" I shout waking Mark up

"Wha?" Mark says yawning

Your POV

"Oh well you see, you and Mark changed into Anti and Dark and when I woke up I found myself in this room, Anti fell on top of Dark and that was when you transformed back into yourselves so I carried you onto the bed and...this has happened." I say kicking my feet on the ground while rubbing my wrists together embarrassed.

"Wow, I'm sorry that you had to go through that." Jack says sadly

"No, it's okay. It was strange how both of them were blushing when I saw them on the top of each other!" I giggle as I Mark and Jack look at each other going red.

"So how are we going to get out of here?" I ask them both hoping that they would know.

"Well last time we got transported out by them and it's a long story which one of us will have to tell you!" Mark says getting up and hugging me from the side

"Oh, is this what you had to go through before?" I say looking up at Mark

"Maybe worse..." Mark breaths heavily 

I suddenly feel a huge pain in my stomach and feel a roar from inside as I pass out on Mark.

Mark's POV

I see A/n hold her stomach in pain like she did at the park, I hear a loud roar from around us as I feel A/n fall on me. I catch her as the whole room shakes!

"Your sister has quite a dark know Dark has really gone to his limit hasn't he! I hear a sinister laugh, sounds like A/n but mean and evil inside.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" I shout in anger gritting my teeth holding A/n to my chest

"Of course, you don't know who I am but you will soon!" the voice says sinisterly laughing

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SISTER?!" I shout even louder as I stroke A/n's head, I hear her mumble in pain, I hear her say the same words over and over again...'help me'

I look up at Jack who looks confused and scared, I feel tugging on my top as I look down to see A/n looking at me angrily with full black eyes like Dark's and grey skin...

"HELP ME!" A/n shouts with a sinister sound to her voice...

" me." I say with sweat pouring down my head as A/n is changing.


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