Extra Chapter ~ I Will Not Choose!

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Here we are once again, two doors standing in front of me and a single pistol lying by my feet. I haven't been taking notice of the details and patterns which this gun has so I kneel down to see that the patterns across it are gold leaves which are swirling around getting smaller to the tip of the gun. 

The gun is not Wilford's nor is it Dark or Anti's, come to think of it, I don't think this gun belongs to anyone. It's probably just been left here or this might be a dream, it is a bit odd. 

I stare at the pink door with the dark pink warfstache plastered on and then to the Dark's door with blood stains. The gun is on the floor wanting me to pick it up and pull the trigger like I did before. I now know all the consequences of all three options but I'm still here. It's like those horror games where there's always a secret ending, there must be something secret here, but what? I walk around the room, inspecting the blank white walls and floor yet there is nothing here. Must've been a waste of time and I'm starting to feel extremely claustrophobic from my surroundings. Do I make the same three choices to see if I can find any clues to what I have to do?

I walk back to where I stood before sitting down crossing my legs in a 'thinking very hard' position. I've chosen all three options and they've led me to all different things, some good and some bad but what do I do now? I look around the room tapping my fingers on the floor creating a small rhythm when I jump up to an idea which may just work.

"What if I don't choose?" I say in the room, I'll probably not get a response but if I don't choose then there must be a consequence to it.

Exactly what I thought; no response.

"I will not choose!" I shout a little louder not sounding like a question this time. There is no response and my thoughts go straight to giving up, I look down to the floor where the gun was lying but it's not there. I look up to see that instead of Dark and Wilford's doors there was a different door. 

This door was quite odd, something I haven't seen before. It is blue with white angel wings on, nothing really clicks to me from this door but I don't know if I should open this door, what is something bad happens again? The feeling how I know the multiple times I have gone through these doors and understand the outcomes surprises me. I'm not sure where the gun has disappeared to but something is luring me to the door to find out. 

I carefully walk over to the door opening it, I was expecting someone to talk before I went in but there was nothing, white fluffy clouds were in my sight until the clouds started to fade. I look closely to see that it's me in my recording room on Skype to Jack. That was ages ago, when everything started. Does this door take me back there because if it does then what happens to this time zone? Do I end up back here having to make the same choices and to watch my friends suffer in pain and agony because of me? Yes, going in the past may seem like a good idea at first but is it really when you know you're going to end up coming here again? No, it's not worth it! 

But what if it is worth it? Maybe I don't end up in the past but the future? 

I take one step closer falling and falling as if I have just jumped out of plane, "hey Mark, we're almost at the wedding. You'll make a great entrance!" I hear a voice which is similar to mine yet it is calmer and the sound of delicate wings flapping above me, I turn my head to see an angel looking like me a little. 

"Light?" I say as we fall faster and faster from the sky to the ground. 

"That's me, I'm taking you Anti and Y/n's wedding due to you changing the time zone!" Light shouts over the howling wind as we start falling faster and faster, I don't know if it would be the wind though or if it is Light's fluffy white cloud wings. 

"How did you know about any of this?" I shout louder looking at him instead of the ground.

"I've been watching everything that has happened." He says, I roll my eyes turning my head looking down which so many people tell you not to do when your afraid of heights. I can see the wedding happening. It looks as though it's in a field this time which is quite strange who it was in a church last time but what I know is that I changed the time zone. 

"I'M GOING TO DROP YOU NOW!" I hear Light shout into my hear. 

"YOU'RE GOING TO WHAT!?" I scream turning to him angrily as he shows a reassuring smile towards me. 

"DON'T WORRY! IF YOU DIE, I'LL HEAL YOU!" He shouts which annoys me more, who says I'll die from heights? "BYE!" He let's go from around my waist as I fall faster and faster, quicker and quicker. I close my eyes awaiting the pain as I fall to the ground. Maybe I'll even fall of Y/n as she's walking down the isle. I'm sure Anti would kill me so I'm guessing I would die from heights.

I curl myself into a ball as I hear the wind rapidly hitting my eyes, falling until I stop. My body is stiff wondering if I've broke every bone in my body or if I have fell on Y/n. If I had I'd probably would of became deaf from screaming and a mouth full of flowers but nope. 

"Mark? You made it!" I hear an Irish accent I know and love, I've probably ruined the wedding from my dramatic entrance as I open my eyes slightly to see Jack's glowing smiley face infront of me, I reduce my stiffness to notice he had caught me and is now bridal style holding me. 

"I guess I did." I say while my cheeks glow a bright red, well, atleast I think so because my cheeks are burning hot so I guess I'm blushing madly. 

"Shut up it's the I do's!" He says fanning my face to make me shush up. I look to see Anti and Y/n at the front kissing. 

"You can put me down now." I say looking at him until he finally looks back down at me smiling.

"I don't think so." 

Anti's POV

That's it! The end, goodbye now! This is a bit strange and I definitely agree but I know that eventhough I brought everyone back to the past, my mistake was that this would of all happened again. The fighting and the disguises but my favourite is that this story is not over yet... 

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