Tale of Antisepticeye: I'm Changing

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Jack closed the tab with the video on and stared at the screen, he couldn't move and felt sick from what was coming for him. "what do I do." Jack whispered under his breathe. Jack thought about what Mark has been saying all day; the Skype calls, him changing into his enemy. It was all too much for Jack to handle so he took an early night even though he couldn't get to sleep after what just happened. Jack was in his room he can see his desktop, headphones and little septiceye Sam sitting there. Jack then looked around some more to see his door slowly opening, his heart started racing as he saw a green circular light coming into the room. Jack tried backing up out of the bed but hit his head on one of the bed railings. 

"Ah!" Jack whispered trying to be extremely quiet while rubbing his head where he hit the railings, Jack started to see a dark figure coming closer with the green eye on the left hand side. The green eye looked like a septiceye which was coming closer and closer to Jack. The figure became clearer as he came from beneath the shadows of Jack's wardrobe. It comes closer and closer and closer until the green eye is right in front of his eyes staring down into them, The figure then disappeared and it was just the creepy green septiceye looking right at Jack. It then disappeared! Jack didn't want to move but at the same time he wanted to get out the room. "Is this what Mark was going through?" Jack questioned himself while looking at his hands and looking in the mirror on wall next to the door. "Am I changing?" "Will I become...my enemy?"

Mark was at home, his hands were in his head shaking and rocking in his chair. He kept twitching from himself to darkiplier, he was worrying about Jack and he knew what was coming his way. No one knows what this is or what has happened. Jack was experiencing the same, both thinking of each other, on his bed in the dark looking around he was scared if he looked at the mirror and his appearance would change. Jack has the image of the figure in his mind and the glowing green eye staring right in Jack's eyes. His room was quiet the door has stopped moving and is now closed, everything was fine, Jack closed his eyes he was too tired from stressing and worrying about all this with Mark and fell fast asleep. 

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