Antisepticeye The Sequel: Fly Into the Night Sky

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The case is closed due to no evidence found against the suspects, the two young men must've experienced the same dream whilst asleep but that doesn't explain things much.

Your POV

I felt sinister like something dark is inside me, my vision is blurry and I hear echoes of Mark and Jack shouting at eachother but it then went very quiet, I feel my body moving and I feel two hands on my shoulders, I look up but nobody is there...

"There's no escape now!" my mouth moves but I don't make a sound but a voice from inside my head echoes creepily 

I move more as my vision became in-focus, standing infront of me terrified is Jack and Mark. I look down at myself, I look like I have came back from the dead. I have the same features as Dark with my skin being grey and deep black eyes with hints of blood red pupils. My head starts to twitch like a glitched game and I walked forward pulling something sharp out my pocket! 

It's a knife! I can't control my self as words start to blurt out my mouth sinisterly, I walked towards Mark who was terrified I can tell by the water gathering up in his eyes and the sweat pouring down from his forehead.

"We all go a little mad sometimes...don't we!" I say starting to feel not like myself!

"A/n, calm down...all you need to do is calm down!" Mark slowly whispered softly into my ear

"I know that there's someone in there Mark! Show me to the darkness!" I say placing my hand on Mark's chin lifting his head up

"STOP IT! Just calm down!" Mark shouts clenching his fists.

"That's what I like to see!" I say moving over to Jack

"Jack, you know I love you but let your dark side show!"  I say placing my hand on Jack's chest making him blush a deep red, he looks over at Mark who was losing his mind becoming Dark.

" love me?" Jack manages to stutter out surprised of what I said

"Yes.." I whisper into Jack's ear making him shiver 

"Anti, I know your in there come out please!" I place my head on Jack's chest and whisper looking for Anti that was then when I felt hands on my head, I looked up to see that Anti had came out.

Anti's POV

As soon as I hear A/n say that she loved Jack I got angry, how can she love that fool but like I say 'heroes always get the girls' but that was when she wanted me! I calm down and tried to make Jack relax so I can become one even though me and Dark already have the stupid idiots took our powers luckily I have a little bit! I force myself out and see A/n's head resting on me! I place my hand on her head and smirk seeing the knife in her hand still.

I look over at Mark who has became Dark, he grew very angry that A/n managed to let me out that he gave himself into Dark, stupid fool! 

"A/n, your dark side has finally came!" I say sinisterly

"My sister is all grown up!" Dark shouts squeezing A/n tightly giving her a hug!"

"Okay Dark you can let go of me now!" A/n shouts looking over at me as I laugh

I look to see that A/n pulls the knife out her pocket and places the point on Mark's neck, he quickly let go and rubbed his neck as me and A/n laughed our evil laughs.

"You could of just said!" Dark shouts looking angry at both of us

"I did but you didn't listen!" A/n manages to spit out whilst laughing

Dark crossed his arms and looked angry with his dark eyes staring at the floor, I looked at A/n and smiled as she did back. I don't know when A/n will go back to being a human but I think she's happy.

"So what do we do now?" I say looking at my two friends infront of me

"We could go haunt people's dreams at night!" A/n suggest, I never knew she was so deadly inside that she wants to get into this so fast

"Good idea! I haven't done that in ages since I became my own person without Jack anymore." I say getting excited that this is happening

"Let's go!" Dark says loosing his arms from being crossed to by his sides ready to go!

Straight away Dark's huge black demonic wings shoot out his back and he starts to hover off the ground, me and A/n looking at eachother but I then hit the wall as A/n's wings shoot out her back hitting me in the face! 

"Oops, didn't know I had them!" A/n giggles

"Your Dark's sister meaning you will have them!" I say getting up rubbing my head squinting my eyes

"Jack you don't have wings! What will you do?" A/n looked confused until I whistled and suddenly a huge septiceye came flying through the window

"SAM!" A/n shouts excitedly 

"Not just any Sam but JUMBO SAM!" I shout feeling happy about myself

I climb onto Sam and we flew out the window, I look ridiculous flying on top of a huge septiceye in the night sky, I turn to see A/n and Dark laughing flying around and together with their huge gorgeous wings with the moon shining down on them in the background! We all flew together for hours not even wanting to go haunt people's dreams but to just relax and take this moment in.

A/n flew past me so I lean forward grabbing her left hand and held it, the moon glimmered in her eyes I felt like I had gotten myself lost inside them with the stars around me until...

"YOU LOVE BIRDS JUST KISS ALREADY!" Dark shouts as me and A/n let go and carry on flying around.

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