Antisepticeye The Sequel: Green, Black With a Hint of Pink

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Your POV

I flew into the sky with Dark and Anti having the most amazing time but then I start to feel weak and my wings start to give in from flying, I look down and see that we're very high up and if I change back now I'll fall with the cars rapidly speeding past on the road! I try to fly close to a building so I can stand up and breathe to help myself calm down but calming down is how I change back! The wind hits my face creating the sweat to go away, the cold air through my finger tips only made me feel calmer and that was when my wings decided to unfold.

Anti's POV

I sat on top of Sam on the left side of A/n and Dark, It's so good to be free! Becoming one was an amazing idea and now I am just one person and so is Dark even though we had to take a little bit of energy from Mark and Jack back at my mansion we are doing fine and Jack and Mark are back at Jack's house lying motionless on the bed, they're fine just sleeping to get their strength back! I look over at Dark as he has a huge sinister grin on his face from ear to ear and so do I that was then when I couldn't see A/n's wings. 

I looked at A/n and she was falling, her eyes are closed becuase she's unconscious from the changing. I jump off Sam and grab A/n by the waste as her head falls onto my shoulder but I can't fly now not even thinking about what I'm doing! I looked up to see Dark swooping down with his wings tucked in to make him fly faster and grabbed my arm and pulled me up we then teleported back to Jack's house. 

I ran upstairs carrying A/n bridal style, I could see her grey skin turn back to normal and her sharp pointy nails back to original size and her h/c hair change back from black. I layed her on the bed and leaned forward stroking her cheek and brushing her hair out her face, I lean forward a little more and kiss her lightly on her forehead. I sneak out the room and see Jack and Mark walking around the other room talking so I ran downstairs and saw Dark folding his wings back into his back with sweat pouring down his face.

"Thanks." Dark says looking up at me with worry in his eyes

"It's alright, I just put her on the bed. She's sleeping now." I say moving my finger on the counter nervously

"Is Mark and Jack awake?" Dark asks

"Yeah, looks like it's going to be a house full of us." I say jokily as Mark and Jack walk downstairs in shock.

"What are you guys doing down here?" Mark asks confused rubbing his neck

"We though we should stay awhile since now that A/n is half demon and you might want someone to control...her." I say nervously trying to hide my feelings for A/n

"Uh..okay." Mark says walking through the middle of us to the kitchen followed by Jack who was slumped over yawning still wanting some coffee.

Mark's POV

"Hey! Have you seen A/n anywhere?" I shout over to Jack making his flinch, I hand him the coffee from the side which I just made and he starts to speak.

"No." Jack's face turned to a worried expression and we then ran out to Anti and Dark

"WHERE IS A/N?!" Me and Jack shout at the same time in both their faces making them step back a little

"She's upstairs in the guest room!" Anti shouts even louder than all of us

Me and Jack run upstairs tripping over a few and skidded on the floor and over to the guest room to see A/n sleeping on the bed but she was shuffling and moving around a lot like she's in a nightmare, whimpers and groans are what you hear. A/n's eyes are closed tightly, we walk forward and tap her on the shoulder she suddenly jolted up looking around with sweat on her forehead and tears rolling down her face!

"Are you okay?" I say softly to calm her down

"" A/n manages to stutter out terrified shaking and trembling 

"Can you tell us, we will sort it out." I say again softly placing my hand on her shoulder cracking a faint smile

"O..okay." A/n stutters 

Me and Jack sit beside her on the bed with our arms around her, I worry but out the corner of my eye I see a mirror and in the mirror I see Anti and Dark running up the stairs and turning to the guest room, I grunt angrily until they approach the room and look over at us.

"What happened?" Dark spoke asking of what has happened

"A/n has had a nightmare and we need to find out what happened to sort it out due to her being scared of it." I explained

"Oh okay, go on A/n tell us!" Anti says sitting down on the bed along side with Dark

"Well, I saw pink smoke surround me. Out of the distance I saw a tall figure about the same size as Mark and Dark but he had pink iris's and pink stripy overalls. There was blood all over him and I was tied to a chair so I couldn't move, I tried to get out as he approached forward with what looked like a golden gun with the initials 'W.W'." A/n explains looking at the ground shaking

"Wait! His initials were W.W?" Dark gets up off the bed and looks at us all

"Yeah." A/n looks up with tears gathering up in her eyes

"...And you saw pink smoke?" Dark says again suspiciously closer to A/n's face

"Yeah, what's with the questions? Do you know him?" A/n says trembling

"Yes! I know who he is..." Dark gets up and walks back to the wall behind him angrily

"Who?" A/n asks shaking even more snuggling up with Mark and Jack

"Wilford Warfstache!" Dark clenches his fists and smacks the wall angrily 

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