Tale of Antisepticeye 'Becoming One'

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Dark looked up at the time he saw that it just turned morning, Mark wanted to get out but Dark kept looking at the time calculating the time difference on Anti's side and realised it was still night. Mark was giving me all his strength, he didn't know that, Dark was gaining more power from Mark struggling and fighting to come into control. 

"I am not letting him.. I have some unfinished business to attend to!" Dark smirked while clenching his fists together fiercely.

Mark's POV 

I was trying to get out with all my strength but some how I got weak and weaker each time I struggled to get out. It was like Dark was taking my strength away from me, which he was! I couldn't do it any more but I knew Jack was in trouble and Dark was up to something with Anti. 

"Becoming one....becoming one....BECOMING ONE!" Mark shouted, while being controlled by Dark.

"I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS!" Mark shouted but all the strength was going into Dark. Mark didn't let that stop him but he had to otherwise all his strength would be drained.


Jack was at home, his phone was sitting on the table 'becoming one' was repeating in his head. Jack was trying so hard to work out what it means.

"Jack, Jack, Jack...I know you want to find out but just wait. Just calm down, relax...." Anti whispered gently to Jack to make him calm down so Anti can get out.

Anti repeated this until Jack had fell asleep it was late and Jack was tired from everything happening and still didn't know what this meant. Antisepticeye then slowly took control of Jack while he was asleep. Jack's hands grew long pointy nails and his eyes slowly opened one was black the other was a glowing septiceye. Anti smiled clenching his fists together read to go to Darkiplier.

Anti got up and walked over to Jack's phone, he listened to the voice mail Mark had sent him.

"Mark wants to know if Jack is okay? Then I think we should take a visit to him now." Anti said with a stern smile on his disgusting face.

"Time...to become..ONE!"

Anti was a demon that Jack's fans made up meaning him can teleport himself anywhere as he is a hologram or a figment of imagination. Anti teleported to Mark's apartment..it was quiet until he saw Dark looking at a clock. Anti went up to Dark and had a huge smile on his face.

"Nice to see you again, Dark." Anti said.

"You too, Antiseptic." Dark turned round he knew that anti was coming.

The two demons had came together to start the plan with Mark and Jack

"Let's get this over with!" Anti said with his septiceye glowing even more than usual.

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