Antisepticeye The Sequel: Midnight Guest

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Jack's POV

I finish editing my videos and start to think about Pax and how fun it would be if me and Mark were there with Bob and Wade having a fun time but instead these two idiots had to show up and ruin everything! Wade and Bob don't know about this and I don't want anyone to worry, everyone who does know think it was a bad dream that me and Mark shared but how could that actually happened it's not a nightmare but real life which I have to put up with!

I uploaded the video of me playing a horror game which was so the game I thought about Anti and Dark, it felt like they were in my head and the more I thought about them the more I could feel the power I hold rise inside me as I remember from when I took their powers! Mark has a bit meaning we share them but I have the most...what is going to happen to us with this inside us? For now I think we should hide it until we can control it! It's hard for Mark knowing their is three people in his house and Dark could attack at any minute.

I walked over to my bed and lay down with my green hair over my face, my left leg is falling off the side of the bed and my hand over my head as I then fall asleep deeply. My house is very quiet as nobody lives with me and my room mate has left, It felt nice to sleep in peace but... it's too quiet!

Suddenly I hear knocks on the door downstairs, it's midnight...who would be knocking at my door at this time of night? I clambered out of bed and stumbled as my foot feels like pins and needles, I quietly walked down the stairs holding the railings sweating pools from my forehead. I placed my sweaty hand on the door handle and opened it to reveal a shadow like mine but out of the darkness I saw a septiceye staring at me sinisterly.

"Did you miss me?" The shadow whispered stepping into the light of my house revealing it's horrible face!

"Anti! What are you doing back!" I shouted

"I came back to get what's mine!" Anti smiled in despair

"Your...powers?" I stuttered asking

"Yes...I can't do anything without my powers but I can still harm you!" Anti sneered

"I can't give you your powers back...I don't know how and if I did you would only hurt me and Mark again and worse someone else!" I shout

"So your not giving me them...I'll be back!" Anti disappeared out the door strangely...

I backed up from the door and walked upstairs to get back to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about what had just's a mess and I'm quite happy that nobody else is here otherwise they would be hurt too...

Time skip

It's morning and I wake up smiling, it's my birthday! Mark called this morning that he's going to come to celebrate even though he doesn't have to and he's bringing his sister along with Matt and Ryan! I hope Anti doesn't ruin it for me! I run downstairs and make up some coffee, I see septic on the door and I rolled my eyes I can't be bothered to handle with this today it's my birthday and hopefully it will go well!

Mark's POV

I look to see that it's Jack birthday, I hear (A/N) walking out the kitchen holding mugs of coffee, she knows Jack we've done collabs together known as (channel name) She's a gamer too on youtube. I think I should take her to Jack's birthday party and hopefully things go well! She has (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes, I think she has a secret crush on Jack too!

"Yo (a/n) do you want to go to Jack's birthday party as a special guest?" I say winking

"Yeah I'd love to!" (a/n) smiled

"Come on then!" I shouted

We drive off with Matt and Ryan to the airport on such short notice but don't care as Felix and Ken have already got there with Marzia and Mary. (A/N) has been very excited all the way here and I can see it in her eyes the love!

I added you as a character to spice things up a bit hope you like it!

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