Tale of Antisepticeye: Red Bullet

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Darkiplier and Antisepticeye both stopped and turned round holding the knives in the kitchen, Mark and Jack ran into the room and immediately stopped, Sam fired a laser but missed and knocked over a glass of red wine spilling on the floor. 

"What do you want, you've become one but you wont leave us alone!" Jack cried out shouting 

"Jack you idiot, I'm not completely one we need a stronger soul..." Anti started whispering making a lisp with his tongue making a slithering sound.

"Jack like I said before me and Dark will go away if we can have one of you two's souls...so what's it going to be Jack?"

"Your  saying that we must sacrifice ourselves for you to go away but wouldn't that demon inside go away?" Jack looked down at the floor working out what is going to happen

"No, we need a soul to do that!" Anti was winking at Dark with his hands together smiling

Jack stared at the ground and couldn't think straight, he looked over at Mark who was sitting down in the middle with ropes wrapped around him...

"No! I can't!" Jack shouted looking Anti in the eyes

"I will not hurt my best friend to take away the pain!" Jack shouted and was getting stronger 

"Jack, you disgust me! If you wont do it then I will!" Anti shouted with Darkiplier laughing in a deeper tone

They both went over to Mark and pulled out a green and pink gun and pointed it in position of Mark's heart! They pulled back the trigger and the bullet flew through the air. Jack dived over to Mark and they both fell on the floor!

Mark's POV

I was ready for death to come Jack can be happy without these demons in his life and I can rest in the heavens above, the gun was between Anti and Dark and my heart I sunk my head and then looked up at Jack, his eyes were watery and I then noticed he was crying I bowed my head down and a single tear dripped down my face. I heard the gun shot echo the kitchen I saw that the knives they were holding were on the floor by my feet, I thought my life was over until I saw something throw me onto the floor and landed on me I hit my head and passed out!

I woke up on the cold kitchen floor, I felt liquid dripping on my hand I got up rubbing my head my sight is slightly blurry but I could see that blood was dripping from Jack's chest! I got a clothe from the kitchen sink and held it down on Jack's gun shot wound I then looked around and saw the bullet on the other side of the room. 

"Did they take Jack's soul? What have I done? I should have suffered alone!" Mark started to cry, his tears fell on to Jack's face and the wound which had stopped bleeding.

Jack opened his eyes looking at Mark with a smile, Mark held his head up and kept his hand on the wound, Jack looked at Mark and then looked at his hand holding the wound.

"Mark what are you doing?" Jack said and started to laugh

"You got shot don't you remember?" Mark looked embarrassed 

"What no, that's a picture on my top..." Jack looked confused and started scratching his forehead

"Well their's blood all over the floor." Mark moved Jack's head a bit for him to see the puddle they were sitting in

"It smells like red wine and there's a broken bottle over their." Jack pointed to a pool of wine they were lying on

"But..I...Jack I'm so sorry I thought you were dead and I thought Anti had took your soul!" Mark stuttered worrying and was confused

"I don't think that happened...uh you can let go of me now Mark." Jack looked at Mark smiling and was trying to move

"Oh yeah uh sorry Jack." Mark said with a confused look on his face

Jack and Mark both got up, soaked in red wine, they looked around...Antisepticeye and Darkiplier were not anywhere to be seen...was it over? It felt real? Wait! The knife has gone!

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