Tale of Antisepticeye: Septiceye SAM!

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Mark's POV:

I fell to my knees and looked down at the floor, my hands had scars and blood all over and I was too weak to fight anymore. I then looked up at Jack who was still walking.. then looked over at Anti who was grinning widely at Jack, there was something strange about where Jack was being going until suddenly Darkiplier appeared infront of him! I don't know why but they're playing around controlling Jack to walk, run, skip and jump wherever they want him to go until he got dizzy. I really need to stop this.

"Jack, I think you've done enough running around...I think you should lie down!" Darkiplier said holding Jack's arms.

Jack's head was flopped down with a green glow in his eyes, Dark looked Jack in the eyes and turned them to a dark pink glow and controlled Jack to go and lie down, Jack was vulnerable and wasn't able to break out of the power.

"Dark, what are you doing!" Anti said with a screech in his voice

"Don't worry Anti, I know what I'm doing!" both of them started to laugh their evil sinister way 

Mark's POV

I turned my head round to see Jack walking towards my, Jack held out his to help me up I was shaking but I trusted him, I had to..I had no choice. I got up and Jack smiled at me in his innocent smile I felt warmth go through my body which then turned cold Jack still had the hold of my hand I was looking at my hand on his and then looked up, I saw his eye draw dark black blood and his other eye was septic which looked like his mini side kick septiceye Sam! 

"Wait! That's it..SAM!" Mark whispered under his breath.

I didn't know how to call Sam until I saw a little green round object in Jack's pocket but how was I suppose to get that out his pocket? Jack pushed me out the way of him I don't know why but behind be was a glowing pink bubble meaning my counter part, Darkiplier, had done this. I rushed off to Jack who was already in the bubble! I looked around and then when I put my hand against the bubble and my hand went through!

I went through the bubble and Jack was lying down in the middle of it, I reached my hand into the pocket of the hoodie and got Sam out he was asleep too.

"Sam..uh..wake up!?" Mark whispered quietly trying not to wake up Jack 

Suddenly the little septiceye woke up and started flying above my shoulder with his little tail behind him. he started squeaking and I didn't understand..it's a septic thing!

"Sam, Jack's in trouble and I need to wake him up and get his body back, will you help me?"

Sam then nodded and and flew over Jack's head, I watched Sam as he went through Jack's ear to get to the other side of Jack's eyes. I was watching but felt sick sick at what Sam was doing.

Sam then came out and hovered over Jack's shoulder, Jack got up and looked around he noticed that Sam was out his pocket and waved his tail at him excitedly. Mark lunged his hand forward to help Jack up, Jack was alright but surprised at what just happened, Mark then tried to go through the bubble again but couldn't get out, Jack joined in banging his fists against the strong bubble making it turned green to pink and so on. Sam was sitting in Jack's hood with both of them knocking and banging against the bubble trying to pop it, Sam got out and zapped the bubble with his septic lasers.

Mark and Jack looked at Sam smiling and then they ran to try to get out the basement of Mark's house until something caught their eyes...something glowing in a bright white shine...Sam backed up and hid behind Jack's shoulder.

"What's wrong Sam?" Jack asked with a worried expression

Sam pointed at the white light and slid back into Jack's pocket...

could that be...

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