Antisepticeye The Sequel: If I Die, Everyone Goes Down With Me

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Mark's POV

I stood trembling infront of the two doors and down at the gun on the floor, a single tear falls from my face onto the little note tied to the gun, I tore the note from the gun picking it up from the ground. I take a pen from my pocket which I had from before and started writing the words 'I'm sorry' down dropping it onto the floor as I hold the gun to my chest, slowly taking deep breaths looking up to the ceiling praying that everything will be fine when I'm gone, Wilford and Dark would be gone as well leaving just Anti and my sister hopefully the Iplier family doesn't affect her. My index finger takes hold of the trigger ready to pull, I see my life flash before my eyes could blink again and the trigger is pulled piecing my ears as my limp body falls to the ground... this is my goodbye.

Anti's POV

I ran upstairs packing my things to head back to my place when I started hearing choking like someone is being strangled, it was coming from the room that Mark was in. I stumbled over to the door feeling a little drunk when I saw Wilford with his hand on his heart falling to the ground along with Mark's body flat on the bed I walked over checking for a pulse or heartbeat but there was nothing. I looked over at Wilford when I realised, my eyes glow a bright green and blue as I feel angry risen up I ran downstairs to find Dark with his head lying on the counter of the kitchen. I slowly walked over to me removing his messy black hair from his face and saw his pale skinned face completely motionless with no other breath to take in, I gulped my thoughts and tears streamed down my face as I hugged Dark. What happened to you?

"Hey Dark have you...Anti?!" A/n walked into the kitchen stopping at the door frame completely confused on what is happening.

"A/n? Are you okay do you feel ill or anything?" I say holding both her hands flustered in so many emotions but one in particular which stands out is curiosity.

"No, I'm fine.." A/n stutters a little confused and worried about the situation

"Oh um okay well Dark..well he's..he's dead, so is Wilford and Mark. I'm so sorry." I stutter worried of her reaction until she starts fading away into little red sparkles of dust.

"Anti. ANTI WHAT'S HAPPENING? ANTI!" A/n screamed as she faded away even more.

"A/n don't worry I'll think of something to do." I started worrying even more trying to grip her hands but it's like they're not there anymore as my hands go completely through hers.

"Okay, Anti...there's something I have to tell you." A/n says as her feet up the her knees disappear.

"It's not really a great time to." I say shouting as I'm thinking what to do

"I know it's just, I love you." A/n smiles as I stop from what I was doing staring right into her beautiful shining eyes, he waist starts to disappear as I lean in with my head closing my eyes but I only feel a cold draft woft across my face as A/n disappears.

I cry falling to the ground landing on my knees wiping away the remaining tears with my green hoodie leaving tear stains across my hoodie with my eyes red and puffy. That's when Jack walks into the room, he's shocked at me crying as I get up pushing him out my way covering my face with my hood up so he can't see that I was crying but he already saw.

"Anti? What's wrong?" Jack says walking infront of me as I teleport upstairs.

"Anti!" Jack shouts running upstairs bursting into Mark's room stopping in his tracks staring down at Wilford's dead body along with Mark lying lifeless in his bed. I look over at him and open my mouth to finally speak to him.

"Dark is also d-dead downstairs and A-A/n disappeared fading away as I tried to grip her hands they were gone, she's gone." I say looking down to the ground trying to fight the tears from falling but I can't as one escapes falling to the ground.

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