Tale of Antisepticeye: Voice Mail

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Antisepticeye was standing by the desktop he saw that it was now midnight and knew that Darkiplier had came, he's going to wait for a good time to go to Mark's apartment. Anti felt Jack pushing and fighting to get out, so he decided to let Jack have his body back in control with Anti sitting inside his head.

Jack's POV:

I gained my strength back and fought with all boss power I could see that Anti had given up and I turned back I touched my hair I looked in the mirror on my wall and I was the normal me again but even though I was happy I knew that Anti was still their watching over my shoulder. The icy slithers had gone away and I felt  the same it was like nothing had happened but the living nightmare has just began.

Darkiplier's POV

It was time for me to take over, I can come out whenever I want but silly Mark made a deal with me that I would come out at night forgetting that Jack had a time difference between Ireland and America. I'm going to wait for him to come..I have some plans to become one.

Mark's POV

Dark, as he likes to be called but I dont care, took control of my body I felt my sins crawling up my back as an icy whisper went through my ears saying 'let's visit...' I don't know where we're going but I feel the sinister feelings Dark is experiencing, they are not nice and I know what he is up to something I do hope Jack is alright.

Meanwhile, Jack was shivering he was cold and Anti had just given his body back he felt like his soul was split in half, one was the good innocent side and the other was a dark evil sin. He sat on his bed still looking at the mirror by the door he was scared that his appearance would change any second to Anti which it did for a second. Jack was too scared to go anywhere and stayed in his house for the whole day drinking coffee. He was not feeling the YouTube spirit and could not concentrate, he found his phone on the floor the the screen was smashed and the battery had been better. Jack put the battery back in and started up the phone he went into the inbox and saw the missed call from Mark but their was a voice mail... Jack clicked on the call to listen to the voice mail.

-static- "Jack, Dark is about to take over my body so I only have a little amount of time to warn you about Anti, if your already under his control then I was too late.. I have been worrying about you and I heard that Dark and Anti have planned to come together to be 'one' whatever that means. Be careful and call me when you can. Sorry Jack." -Beep-

Jack held his phone and stared at it for about five minutes then realising that Anti is watching him smiling with that creepy glow in his septiceye.

"Jack, so now you know what me and Dark are up to." Anti whispered straight in my ears.

"Yeah, Anti but what does 'become one' mean?" Jack questioned 

Jack, It will give away the little surprise I have in store for you." Anti whispered down Jack's ears 

"Anti, tell me!" Jack shouted 

"Bye Jack." Anti said in a sinister icy way down Jack's ears.

Jack looked at the time on his phone and saw that it's almost morning for Mark, meaning that Jack has been awake all night. He knew that Darkiplier and Antisepticeye are going to have a meet up about becoming 'one.' Jack had to stop them...but how?

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