Tale of Antisepticeye: Who am I?

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Morning and Jack woke up scared looked around at his mirror, nothing had changed, the door was open he got up and got his black hoodie with Sam septiceye printed on he got his blue denim jeans on with his slippers and put his green hair to the side. He slowly walked out to go to the bathroom to brush his teeth for the day to come. Jack walked down stairs to make a cup of coffee and some toast. He put some sugar into the cup and stirred it up until he heard glass break...Jack jumped of fright and walked into where the noise came from. When he entered the hallway, he saw the broken glass on the floor. Jack then went back to the kitchen to finish making his coffee when he heard another glass break but this time it came from the kitchen, Jack went into the kitchen and the coffee mug was smashed in the floor. The smashed pieces on the floor spell 'A N T I S E P T I C'. Jack looked at it closely to see how the pieces did this. Jack started looking around until he heard a faint sinister whisper in his ears coming from behind him "Jack!" Jack started looking around and then got hit on the back of the head by the dark figure. 

2 Hours Later

Jack wakes up lying on the ground in his shed, nothing is in the shed, he couldn't move and he was very dizzy. He lay there and heard noises coming from the door of the shed, the door opened and the figure stepped forward. Jack wriggled to get up when hearing the loud noise of the door swinging open. The light switch turned on, Jack was in the middle of the room he sat up and saw the dark figure walking closer to him with green glowing septiceye. The figure walked closer out of the shadows until it got into the light. Jack was shaking, he was scared, he looked at the figure which was staring down at him with a smirk on his face. The figure had green messed up hair one black eye and the other was a septiceye he wore a black tank-top with tight trousers on his ears had black earrings in with a piecing in his right eyebrow. "Hello 'Jacksepticeye' are you alright?" Jack looked up the figure looked like him but it was different he didn't have them piercings any more and hates tank tops. "H..hello?" Jack said with a worried tone in his voice "who...are you?" " Jack was trembling from head to toe. 

"I'm Antisepticeye." 

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