Tale of Antisepticeye: Beams of Green

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A white light shot from Anti and Dark to Jack and Mark who were sitting on the star, they started glowing and started to hover of the summoning star with a white shine in their eyes. Anti and Dark were knocked to the floor, Anti looked to see that the subject on the summoning star will gain their powers!

Jack's POV

I felt an urge in my back as my body lifted from the star, I feel someone holding my hand as I hover but I can't see who. All I can see is a green light and a pink light representing Anti and Dark! Time to finish this! I lifted my hand above my head ready to spit out the powers I have been given until I feel the hand slide out of mine and push my arm down back to my side. I looked over to see Mark's face, tears trickling down his face as a smile formed.

"Jack, I'm sorry..." Mark whispered and then disappeared in the white light, the feel of his hand let go of my arm and felt a cold breeze hit me as though a ghost had flew through me. 

"Mark!" I shouted as the white glow in my eyes grew brighter

I looked straight ahead and Anti and Dark were lying on the floor backed up, they look terrified, is this what I have to do...where's Mark?

Anti's septic eye started to fade as he started to loose his power, Dark started to fade into the light I am giving off. I feel stronger as their power goes into me...but it doesn't feel right. I tried closing my eyes but I felt a tug on my eye lids like something is pulling my eyes open to get it. I can'd do it but I can't not do it. I fell to the ground. 

I woke up and Mark was sitting next to me with a cloth over my eyes, I got up and saw the bodies of Anti and Dark on the ground where they were.

"Where were you?" I asked Mark, my speech is slurred 

"I got knocked out, like you but ages ago and saw you twitching with beams of light glowing from your eyes, are you okay?" Mark placed his hand on my shoulder, he looked so worried and his eyes are watery 

"I'm sorry Mark..." I whispered

"It's okay Jack...but you have got Anti's and Dark's powers in your eyes, how are you going to control that?" Mark calmly said to calm me before I freak out 

"WHAT!?" I screamed creating the basement to echo

"Jack calm down! Anti and Dark's powers are in your eyes that's why I had a cloth over them." Mark explained to me, my mind is all over the place.

Mark helped me to the guest room and I sat back on the bed as Mark slowly backed up out the door and then closed it. I hid under the quilt as my eyes shot green, pink and white beams of light around the room, I can't sleep...

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