Antisepticeye The Sequel: I Like The Evil Within You!

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Your POV

I woke up with a blanket over me and a ache in my stomach, the wound had been patched up somehow. I turn to the edge of the bed by the little night-stand and slide off, I stretch my arms in the air yawning and looked around to notice a door on my left...I walked over to the door and was about to open it until a huge manly scream coming from a room near this one!

I ran towards a door and peeked inside a tiny bit to see Mark sitting on the ground leaning against the wall, I then turned round a tiny bit to see Anti walking closer to him holding a metal bat ready to swing! I whisper 'no' under my breath which made Mark turn to notice me peeking by the door, his eyes widened and signalled me to go away but I have to stop Anti from hurting him anymore! 

I moved back trying to close the door but being my clumsy self I tripped over my foot behind me and knocked the door to slam shut, I shuffled to get away from the door as I saw the handle move down and the door opens...My heart beats rapidly as my eyes gather tears as I am so scared! Anti opens the door slightly and smirks at me widely! I moved back some more as Anti opened the door fully, his eyes glow from the light above. 

Mark's POV

I see a/n peeking through the door, I try moving to signal her to get away from what is happening in here especially that Anti has still got a tiny bit of his powers left and could do anything to hurt her like he is doing to me! I hear a thud and a huge slam coming from the door, I bury my head in to my arms as I lie on the ground and poke up my head to see Anti opening the door...this is it! My sister is going to get hurt and I can't help her!

Anti's POV

I see a/n lying on the ground propping herself up with her elbows staring deep into my eyes, the worry in her eyes make me smirk but also feel something more for her and decide in my mind that I will not hurt her. I step forward more and stick out my hand to help her up, she stares at my hand until she looks back up at me and grabs my hand to get up. I smile thinking of what I just did and notice that a/n is speechless! 

A/n kept staring at me but placed a smile on her face while looking deep into my eyes, I smiled to and leaned forward to kiss her as so did she until Jack took control of me while shouting inside my head! I shrivelled back into the back of his stupid little mind and Jack came back into control as a/n backs away in fear. 

Jack's POV

"Jack?" A/n asked stepping away by the bed

"I'm sorry...where's Mark?" I whispered as a/n points to the room with the door by me

I open the door to see Mark helplessly lying on the ground, I run over to him lifting his body up and held his head, his eyes were open as he looked at me with cold dead eyes and then over to a/n and smiled knowing that she is okay but she then looked away nervously and blushed... I looked back over at Mark and helped him up onto a chair by the wall, I grabbed the knife off the floor and threw it in the drawer and grabbed three mugs and started up the kettle.

While I dropped the tea bags into the cup I looked over my shoulder to see a/n kicking her legs on the floor looking at me but she then turned to face the floor embarrassed as soon as I turned to face her. Something happened that she is not saying to either of us and the blushing...the blushing looks cute! I can't believe I'm saying this but I love her!

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