Antisepticeye: There Is No Light, Only Darkness

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Light's POV

I walk up the hallway checking in every stall as I go along to all the evil demons which have been locked up from damaging or maybe killing their owners, Google and Glitch having a tantrum trying to get out my ears are on the edge of bleeding from the shouting and screaming going on in here! I walk up some more and look in each cell ticking a box next to their names so I know who is still here a bit like a register, I carry on like a normal day of work until I see the door up ahead slightly open...oh no! I start to panic throwing the pen and clipboard with the register attached on the hallway and ran towards the door and peeked inside opening it completely to see an empty room full of darkness.

Walking inside I crept around on my tiptoes looking up at the surroundings, the fire torch had gone and what is left of it is just the holder attached to the wall, suddenly I heard a slight movement of metal hit the wall I looked up to see the shackles broken still attached to the wall but snapped. I move forward to see a pink warftstache on the ground with a few pink hairs...WILFORD!

I quickly run out the room and punch the alert button, sirens from all around shout a piercing alarm into the hallway echoing my ears, everybody starts shouting and screaming louder and security run over to me.

"What is it, Mr. Iplier?" The security ask running round to me

"Wilford Warfstache has broken free!" I hold my head down gritting my teeth like every dramatic movie does

"Find him, he can not hurt Mark...if he does we all die too!" I shout as all security starts running out with weapons to find Wilford.

The Next Day - Mark's POV

I woke up in my bed room, I stretched my arms out and hit them off the bars, ow, I flutter my eyes to adjust them to the light and shuffled up onto the pillow, I yawn and wipe the sleep dust out my eyes and forward to see not Dark but somebody else I haven't seen in a long time...

"Wilford! What are you doing here?" I shout grabbing the duvet over my shirtless chest

"Back for revenge!" Wilford says sinisterly sitting on top of my desk with his arms folded completely staring at me.

"Wha..wait how long have you been staring at me?" I let go of the duvet and stroke my fingertips through my red hair

"I don't know, lost track of time but we need to talk about this girl!" Wilford slurred the words at the end and straight away I know he's talking about A/n!

"Who? It's just me, Jack, Anti and girl here!" I worry but get my acting skills together from all the sketches I've done but worry takes over my voice

Wilford shuffles forward off the desk and walks over to the door, I jump out the bed and over to the door blocking him from entering, I then notice that I'm only wearing boxers. Wilford teleports out the room and into the guest room, I run out and into the room where A/n, Jack and Anti are sleeping.

" but uh...." I laugh worried about what he's going to do until he butts in

"Your little sister cared to join you and your little friends?" Wilford asks but it seems like he's lying.

"I didn't know this was how it was going to end up!" I shout not realising that I woke up Anti

Wilford's POV

Anti shot up with his septic eye glowing, god I've always hated that thing staring into my eyes. His nails with mouldy septic inside growing completely the opposite of Jack but I still hate them. Jack is asleep along with A/n on the other bed knocked out. Anti gets up out of bed with his black hoodie on and boxers, he doesn't notice anything from the sleep dust in his eyes so I decide to say hello.

"Hey Anti, long time no see." I smile evilly

"Wha..WILFORD!" Anti's eyes open wide angrily walking over to me like we're about to have a huge fight with eachother right their and then

"Guys don't fight!" Mark shouts hearing a moan from downstairs, that must be Dark.

Me and Anti start punching eachother, I block the hit and duck but Anti swoops his leg in my gut and I fall to the floor getting up instantly pushing him against the wall, I hear a moan from inside the guest room from the girl but carried on punching Anti in his face.

"Anti, come on we used to be friends." I say smiling holding Anti against the wall staring into his green and blue eyes.

"Why are you here?" Anti angrily asks trying to push Wilford off him

"Don't try, I'm too powerful for you." I say grinning as I hear walking upstairs

"What's goin...Wilford?" Dark rubs his eyes and runs forward throwing Wilford off Anti and into the wall, Anti smiles and goes into the guest room to see that A/n has woken up.

Your POV

I get up by hearing shouting and banging from the hallway, I see the guys fighting but my body can't move, I look over to the opposite side to see Jack still sleeping peacefully. I tilt my head to see a glimpse of a guy dressed in pink, his hair is black with dark pink quiff at the front with a stripy red shirt and overalls and fully pink eyes...the guy from my nightmare?

Anti walks in and I can see that he's been hurt, I hold my head up straight and move over in the bed slightly to sit up straight. I crack a smile at Anti and so does he, I could see that his eyes shined in the light of the sun from the window as he smiled.

"Are you alright?" I ask quietly so nobody hears 

"Yeah, are you?" Anti smirks asking

"Yeah..hey you're bleeding, come here." I look to see blood pouring out of Anti's head.

Anti walks over to my bed and I go over to get some wipes to clear the blood and clean the wound, I walk back over and motion for him to sit down on my bed as he tilts his head for me to see. I grab a wipe and slowly stroke the wound on his head wiping the crimson liquid from his head, I lean forward and see that he's slightly smirking as I clean up the dry blood from his hair.

"What are you smiling at?" I giggle

"You." Anti laughs 

"Me? Why?" I question confused but blush

"hmm...Why are you blushing?" Anti jokes 

"I..I don't know." I feel my face grow red

I let go and throw the wipes in the bin and then walked back over to the bed, he turned round to face me and stared at me face so I did too, I could tell he's teasing me by doing this. I look over to the hallway to see nobody and Jack was still asleep...I couldn't handle this teasing so I decide to tease him back even more! I lunged forward and kissed him but straight away I regretted my decision but I don't know why.

"What was that?" Anti asks surprised

"Honestly, I don't know what I just did." I laugh nervously hearing a whistle from outside the room to see the pink figure walk in with his arms folded...great he saw!

Author's note:

To you readers I added this Anti loving reader thing becuase the story is about Antisepticeye and I had to haha! To be honest I do not know what that was either! There is also going to be a consequence in kissing Anti due to it being a demon and a human...

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