Antisepticeye The Sequel: Finally An Explanation!

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Anti, Dark, Mark, Jack and A/n are all staying in Jack's house. They are completely terrified and worried about Wilford Warfstache making an appearance in A/n's dream and that he wants her powers along with Dark's and Anti's so he can become to most powerful demon in the world!

Dark's POV

WILFORD! He has always been after my powers so he can take over Mark, he want's Anti's powers so he can take over the world by making people live in the depths of hell while all the other demons work as his slaves! Now he's after A/n's powers, I'm the one who gave her powers being Mark's little sister I thought she should have a dark side too but after giving her some of my powers I found out that she actually already has one. 

"Wait, Dark how do you know him?" A/n asks nervously looking up at me

"It wasn't too long ago when I took over Mark's body and could control him however I liked, before that though me and Wilford were best friends we would have arguments about which one of us would control the owner of our body. Until the day had came I went to see the devil himself and found out that I am more worthy of the owner, this made Wilford really angry to almost kill me so our master locked him up in a dark massive room hanging from chains which are unbreakable. From that day I controlled Mark and had my fun with him but now me and Anti have became one meaning we are our own person. You have had a dream about Wilford meaning he has broken the chains and is coming!" I explain in detail to A/n who starts to tremble with water in her eyes gathering up with worry

"So how did you and Anti meet?" A/n looks over at Anti and then Jack wiping some tears from her eyes

"I met Anti from when Mark met Jack, they became best friends and so did me and Anti. Anti has the same amount of power as me which is why Wilford wants it even though he would be rubbish with septic growing in his nails..." I explain until Anti cuts me off

"HEY!" Anti shouts hitting me across the shoulder

"Sorry, anyway A/n Wilford wants your powers as well as ours and I just got to say that I...I gave you extra powers when you had past out that was why you had a wound on your stomach. I knew you were Mark's sister but I didn't know that you already had a dark side growing inside you!" I say ashamed looking down at the ground.

Mark's POV

I can't believe this, Wilford is coming at my little sister. He wants her for her powers she never knew she had, I didn't know she had! Anti and Dark have the same amount of powers even though me and Jack took them meaning they have a little bit of power...Wilford is after their powers but what if they didn't have them!

"What are you on about Mark?" Dark asks confused

"Oh! Well I thought because we took your powers three months ago that we should take the rest of your powers and trick Wilford?" I suggest

"Well over the three months we have recovered and have gained strength back but once you have our last drops of power we wont be able to get them back due to you being a human and haven't got the skills to transfer it back to us.

"Can't you teach me and Jack?" I ask them think what a crazy idea

"No, are you crazy!" Dark shouts

"Wait! A/n is half demon maybe she can." Anti suggests looking down at A/n 

"How?" A/n asks confused and worried

"You'll be able to control them, you are almost as powerful as Wilford!" Anti smiles nudging Dark to embarrass him

"Really?" A/n jumps up surprised

"Yeah, we don't know when Wilford will be coming but if you have worse dreams than this about him then tell us." I get up side hugging A/n a little with Jack on the other side joining in.

We walk downstairs and start to make up some food for all of us, A/n sits at the table looking around shivering rubbing her arms together biting her lip. I look over at Dark who is talking to Anti quietly whilst Jack is sitting at the table on his phone checking through youtube comments from his latest video. I throw on some bacon on the frying pan and fry up some eggs along with sausages and placed them on five plates and walked around onto the table.

Your POV

I take little nibbles of my bacon looking around every minute as I hear sinister whispers in my ears and cold breezes blow past my skin lifting up my hairs, I lose my mind and completely blank out staring into space as a raspy voice spins in my head. I feel my body tense up and I hear the voice grow deeper with a faint laugh and I then pass out meeting with the darkness once again!

"A/n, don't be afraid I wont hurt you! I haven't properly introduced myself, I'm Wilford Warfstache and I am the most powerful demon that exists...well planning to. You can help me by handing over your powers!" A voice whispers in my head sinisterly

"No..." I mumble slightly

"Come on, your Dark's sister but you have a lot more power than Dark and Anti put together. You are almost as powerful as me, if your saying no for now then I will be back and you will work for me along with Dark and Anti...even though Anti has septic in his nails... but I will be back, don't even think about telling your big brother he wont be much help!" The voice says angrily

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