Tale of Antisepticeye: Septic

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Mark's POV

I looked around at Dark he was smiling at Anti. It gave me the feeling that whatever happened they would never go away, the living nightmare would be watching over me haunting me. This is going on in my mind and it wont stop!

"No! I will not!" Mark shouted at Anti

"Excuse me!" Anti crossed his arms in a angry manner with a evil grin on his face

"Well Mark, you wont take the deal...we'll make you!"

"What you going to do?" Mark crossed his arm and leaned forward. 

Antisepticeye and Darkiplier both raised their hand, green and pink power sparks came out of their hand and trapped Mark in a bubble. They slowly moved him over to Jack, Anti and Dark had put Mark on the other side of the tank which Jack was in.

Jack's POV 

I was lying on the bottom on the septic tank it looked like I had sunk but the septic was immune to me as my name was Jack 'septiceye.' I could hear everything that was going on, when Mark shouted I heard him very clearly through the tank. I sat up and looked the the glass I couldn't see Mark any more. Where did he go? Suddenly I saw a familiar figure land infront of the tank, it was Mark somehow it got into the bubble shield around the tank. Mark got up and saw me inside the tank...he put his hand against the glass, I did too.

"Oh, isn't this nice!" Anti said with an evil sinister tone in his voice

"The two friends reunite." Dark said in a deeper tone.

Mark had to get out he tried to break the glass to get Jack out, Mark was banging on the glass, scratching it he did everything but couldn't get Jack out.

"Jack, I have an idea! Swim to the top of the tank and try to unscrew the caps at the top!" Mark shouted for Jack to hear him through the glass nearly deafening him.

"Okay Mark," Jack swam to the top of the tank and breathed in septic air, it smelt like Antiseptic but he didn't care he just wanted to get out. Jack screwed the caps and lifted the lid with Mark's help, Jack got out wet and filthy of septic. Mark went to hug Jack and then back away from the disgusting woft coming from Jack. So they highfived eachother instead 

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