Antisepticeye The Sequel: The Mark On Your Lips.

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Your POV

I ran down the stairs skipping a few holding onto the post where I swivel round and onto the slippy floor. I took out my phone from my pocket and saw three notifications pop up, one was twitter that Pewdiepie has posted a new video the second was the same but on youtube and the last is a message from an unknown number...It said 'beware darlin' sweat gathers in droplets at the top of my head dripping into my hair strands, my heart races at a million miles per second rate which starts to get me thinking and realising that it's Wilford! I look up to see that I'm still in the hallway standing around panicking, I look around until a burning sensation hits the bottom of my lip inside it felt like I had hit it off something but the pain is worse and it wont go away but it is getting worse. I fast pasted walked into the living room where there was a mirror on the wall above the fire place and leaned my head close to the mirror to find a strange looking greenish dot on the bottom of my lip inside which looks infected.

The green spot starts to become clear and I see an imprinted 'A' on it, I lean forward a little more and that is just it a green 'A' on the insides of my lip is this what happens if you kiss a demon? Do they mark you as their prey? I don't think Anti would mean it but it's there on me which I might not ever get off. I look around for the guys but nobody is around due to Mark having a spasm attack upstairs along with Dark who is feeding him his energy then Jack is not doing anything actually probably still upstairs with Anti but he was with me? Confused, yes.

Jack's POV

I was coming out into the hallway to see Anti poof infront of me, I look at him strangely like something is going, he walks over to me and throws his arm around my shoulder.

"Anti, what are you doing?" I ask looking at him, his face looks high but the way he's slumped over with me helping him stay balance looks as though he's drunk.

"I'm in *hic* love..." Anti giggles hiccuping 

"Really, wait why are you hiccuping?" I got confused on why he's hiccuping he was fine before and I'm guessing he likes A/n, I could tell he does and I think they secretly kissed while I was asleep. No wonder there was so much noise...ahem!

"Nothing like that silly Jack and yes A/n, I loooovvveee her." Anti giggles again holding on the word 'love'

"I forgot that you can read my mind and that's nice but why are you hiccuping, we've just got up and your acting like your drunk, what happened?" I say holding him up carrying him over to the bed as he starts having a laughing fit.

"What's so funny?" I look over at the mirror checking if there's anything on my face or stuck to my clothes but there was nothing what is he laughing at?

"I'm in love Jack, I'm in love..LOVE JACK!" Anti shouts as I realise that demons go a little mushy when they start to feel love, I remember when Dark was like it with Anti, he wouldn't leave him alone it was weird knowing that it was me and Mark as septiplier but Danti would be nice but now he's all over A/n.

"Shut up." Anti giggles opening his mouth wide again looking high as hell looking up to the ceiling, I look at him ready to start laughing at how stupid he looks but realise something staining his lips from inside.

I step closer to Anti starting to inspect the red stain on his lips which looked like blood but it's not, I look at it some more and see an (First letter of your name) stained there I jump back with my mouth hanging low in shock, I stare at Anti gazing around looking still high and drunk and lifted my hands and slapped him several times. He jumps up.

"JACK! What are you doing?" Anti shouts coming back to his normal self but angry

"You were acting all mushy and high, I need to tell you something." I say but Anti gets up from the bed and starts walking off

"I don't wanna hear it." Anti sneers 

"It's about A/n." I jolt out my mouth as Anti completely freezes in place and retracts his hands from the door knob and turned round to look at me.

"Is she okay?" Anti asks with worry in his eyes from the anger he changed to this.

Suddenly a huge scream echoed the house, Dark ran out the room and look at us both and waits for someone to say anything but we don't know either then the scream comes back louder like the person who is screaming is in pain. I run downstairs along with Anti and Dark and saw A/n rolling around on the ground in pain.

"A/n, are you alright?" I look at her as she get's up, I see a green stain on her lips which forms into an 'A' I hold my hand out as she grabs it and pulls herself up and looks at us.

"YOU FRICKIN MARKED MY SISTER!" Dark shouted gathering dark orbs in his eyes angrier than normal and greyish veins sticking out from the corner of his forehead.

"What, look I also have one on me." Anti shouts back at Dark as they hold eachother against the wall staring at eachother angry but Dark soon retracts and lets out a huge puff holding onto Anti's shoulders. They both look at eachother with sadness in their eyes as I remember the memories from when they were a thing.

Mark's POV

My body spreads out on the bed as I feel more of my energy being drained, my breathing suddenly becomes very heavy but my body stays paralysed. I look over at the door frame to see a dark silhouette of a manly figure staring right at me with it's shiny pink eyes...Wilford.

Wilford walks in over to me with a smirk growing on his face looking down at me, I try to call for help but no sound is heard along with my body not being able to get up and run. Wilford takes his hand from his pocket and strokes it but I try to back off but he holds me in place he then takes a strange looking circular box from his pocket which had a picture of drugs. 'No no no Wilford no please no' I say in my head but he evilly laughs at my struggling to get away, he grabs one and shoves it in my mouth almost choking me and grabbing some water from the side and splashing some all over my face and directly into my mouth. The drug is washed along with the bit of water which got into my mouth and into my digestive system where it starts to work it's work.

"That should keep you occupied..." Wilford laughs as my eyes start to feel droopy and my thoughts whiz away.

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