Tale of Antisepticeye: No one listens, no one remembers? (END)

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Jack's POV

My eyes ached as lasers shot around the room, I could hear Mark shouting for me to go to sleep or to shut up as I screamed from the power I hold inside. Electric shocks down my back as green, pink and white lights flash out my eyes hitting the ceiling and breaking ornaments around me. I got up out of bed and walked towards a mirror which is by the door like my room at home, I held my head as I slowly looked at 'myself' in the mirror. My left eye is green and my right is pink, I look like Anti and Dark merged together! 

I walked into the bathroom and saw white lights forming to a figure's shape, the shape looked a lot like me and shown what I did on the first day of when this all started. I got a piece of cloth of the bath side and rinsed it in cold water and wiped it over my eyes and felt the glow inside calm down. Mark's room is next to the bath room and I heard complete silence from the room. I peeked inside, being nosey, and saw Mark lying not in his bed but on the ground with his head against the wall with shattered glass pieces from the mirror around Mark.

I ran over to him, he is breathing heavily and some of the glass pieces have cut Mark on his arms and face, they look really bad like they have dug in to his skin. I placed my hand on Mark's and started see visions of holograms infront of me, it shows me talking to Mark on Skype talking about Darkiplier and warning about Antisepticeye with the voice mails he sent me and the video of 'his true self' I couldn't take this! I ran out of Mark's room and into the guest one, as soon as I hit the room's entrance I fell completely on the floor.

I looked up with my eyes squinting to see that I have landed in my room! I slowly got up and my left eye started glowing green from where Antisepticeye was born, I covered my eye with my left hand and got up to turn round to the mirror on the wall and my recording set up which was all normal but dark. My eyes started glowing widely so I moved my hand to create a shadow of my eyes, I walked towards the mirror and saw Anti and Dark fighting but I'm not their! They moved and I saw myself...dead with Mark crying over my body!

I screamed! I couldn't take it! My heart is racing and I can't contain the power anymore! If I let go what will happen? An electric shock hit my back and I screamed so loud my throat ached in pain and I moved my hand from my eye, I fall to the ground as the green and pink beams fly out my eyes! I roll onto the ground with my face looking at the ceiling, I screamed kicking my legs and tensing my arms up by my sides trying to run away from the pain!

I hear a voice shout and I close my eyes and fell asleep with my left arm over my stomach and the other over my head, I hear the voice getting louder but it then started to get lighter and softer and then went away as everything felt like it was muffled.

Jack's POV

I'm awake, lying in a bed with Mark next to me and a physiotherapist on the other side of the room writing down everything I do, say and eat to work out how this is happening.

"I think they are just bad dreams you've been having about an evil side of yourself." He explained putting the pen behind his ear.

"IT'S NOT A DREAM!" I shout, then Mark places his hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

"Mark! What about Matt and Ryan? What about Darkiplier and Antisepticeye?" I shouted facing Mark as the physiotherapist took his pen and wrote what I am saying again

"Matt and Ryan are at my house and Darkiplier and Antisepticeye is what fans made up just ca..." I interrupted Mark

 "Mark...I saw you hurt...I SAW YOU DIE!" I shouted even more with doctors running in

"J..Jack, I'm...sorry!" Mark stuttered as he was shocked 

"I'm sorry Mark, can I be alone for a little while...please?" I ask crying

They walk out and a mirror is right infront of me on the other side of the room, I look right into it to see Anti and Dark laughing shooting out the mirror and gone with the left overs of green and pink smoke...I looked in the mirror again and my eye is perfectly normal? Was it all a dream? I hear broken glass as the mirror smashed into thousands of tiny pieces on the floor with the evil chuckles of Anti an Dark getting loud and closer to my ears!

Mark, a few other nurses and doctors ran in with the physiotherapist clutching his notebook and pen and looked over at the mirror and then at me, the electricity ran up my back and I slumped down in the bed as Anti and Dark escaped my head and flew out the building...

The machine with my heartbeat started to slow down as my eyes felt heavy and I started struggling to breathe, I see Mark run over to me and place his hands over my eyes as I could see the only the white light shining in the room. I looked up at Mark who was making very strange noises as I started to fade, I then see Mark disappearing and everybody else disappeared...I disappeared from the place I was in

Jack's POV

I'm now sitting at my desktop with the Skype call on with Mark talking in his sleep, I look to see a horror game Mark had played on his other computer screen and the track of the main menu was a heart beat. I looked around to see that it's 5am in the morning meaning this has been a dream...more like a nightmare! 

I look to see Mark still asleep so I leave the video call and slumped upstairs to my bed and saw the mirror smashed on the wall with the pieces of glass on the floor! 

"NO!" I screamed


Thank you so much for reading this! Thanks for getting this story to over 1,300 reads I really did not expect to get this. I hope you've enjoyed this and I hope your not disappointed in the ending but a SEQUEL is coming soon for this story and I can't wait to write it!

I would like to say a thanks to everybody who has commented, voted, added to their reading lists and/or read this story! I really appreciate the support you guys give! :)

I would like to give a shout out to TiffanyWilson408 because she is an amazing writer so you should go check her out and I would like to say a special thanks for taking her time and effort to write a story about me called 'Never mess with a writer' so go check it out and read it! 

Thanks guys so much for the support! 


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