Antisepticeye The Sequel: It's Time!

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Your POV

I got thrown into Jack's basement by Anti and Dark hitting my head, I got up rubbing my head in agony opening my eyes to see Dark and Anti knelling down to me smiling talking to each other but I don't understand! I then get lifted up by Dark who smiles warmly...well this is weird! Anti runs out the room rapidly laughing to himself. They're up to something I just know it! Dark lets go and I land on the floor on my feet, I look down at the floor scared and worried of what is going to happen until a warm smooth hand lifts up my head to meet his eyes. It's Mark! 

I swung forwards hugging him tightly but then let go when I hear a huge bump and crash on the ground outside of the basement, I run and open the rusty old door to see Jack back to normal on the ground, I move over to him lifting his hood off his head to see that he's unconscious! Mark runs over to me and kneels down behind him, I see a knife which Anti carried...Jack must've got hurt somehow and gained control, we need to help him get up. Me and Mark lift him up by his arms and help him upstairs knocking him into a few posts along the way but tried to hold in our laughter when we did as we had to sneak past the guests quietly. 

Anti's POV

I walk down the stairs to the basement holding the knife in my pocket, I feel Jack bursting out to come back in control I try not to let that happen but I see the door open slightly seeing (a/n) and Mark hug happily. It froze me in sadness and despair as I feel Jack busting out, I feel the pain knowing he will be unconscious when he gets out from all the power he is giving. I let him have his moment and I shrivel slowly back into Jack's head sitting at the back watching what happens like sitting in a cinema. 

Mark's POV

As me and (a/n) sit Jack on his bed I move over and (a/n) walks over to me slowly looking at Jack with tears gathering in her eyes looking back at me

"Why didn't you tell me?" (a/n) sniffled whispering

"I'm sorry, I just want you to be safe instead of worrying about mine and Jack's alter ego's!" I whispered

"Does anyone else know about this?" (a/n) asked 

"No, just you me and Jack." I said upset about this

"Okay, sorry but your my big brother, we tell eachother everything especially when something is bugging us. Please don't do it again. I worry about you!" (a/n) smiles with tears falling down her face, I reach my hand out to wipe them with my thumb making her smile.

"I promise." I smiled

Jack's POV

I wake up to see Mark and (a/n) have a brother and sister moment, I try not to move or ruin the moment but they look over at me smiling but shocked, I could see that (a/n) has been crying and Mark looks happy. I get up feeling a little dizzy but okay, I hear Felix shouting 'where's Jack?' knowing that the party is still going on.

I stumble over to Mark and (a/n) and give them and hug, (a/n) hugged me tighter resting her head on my shoulder as I lift my hand to hold her head and my other hand around her waist, I looked at Mark smiling and he smiled to but then slid out the room to downstairs joining the party as me and (a/n) have our moment until she fell to the floor with blood oozing out her stomach! I run downstairs to Mark who is dancing with Felix, I run through the crowd but everyone pulls me in dancing as I try to get through.

Dark's POV

I sneak out of Mark's head when he's not noticing and run upstairs to see (a/n) on the floor, I kneel down and brush her hair off her face and stoke her head, I lift her unconscious body to my height and leaned forward kissing her deeply, I felt her heartbeat grow faster and knew that it's time! Parts of me zoom into (a/n)'s wound. I rested her on Jack's bed and walk out the room disappearing back into Mark's head without him knowing what had least I still have some of my powers Mark!

"It's so good to be free!" a voice from (a/n) whispered sinisterly 

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