Antisepticeye The Sequel: If You Chose Wilford

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Mark's POV

I stood trembling infront of the two doors I thought if I chose Dark then Wilford wouldn't actually be gone and would find a way back so maybe I should give him a chance, he has been an idiot since he got here but I never knew that he was so upset over not being chosen. I'm starting to feel very bad for him but I can't, it would be so wrong but he deserves a chance. A chance which I'll never be able to take back. I step forwards to the light pink door taking heavy breaths as I do lifting my shaky hand up to the doorknob, before I open the door I place my head against the door whispering the words 'I'm sorry' as I turn the handle opening the door to be hit with a bright white light reflecting off my glasses only making it worse. I hear faint muffled voices in different tones say 'You were warned' over and over again echoing in my ears hitting my ear drums like drumsticks. I squint my eyes not wanting to step inside but I take the risk lunging through the door screaming at the top of my lungs as I land in my room tied down to the bed feeling a little sick, I look around to see Wilford with his arms crossed on the other side of the room. Dark is gone. He's dead...

"You chose me." Wilford grins evilly stepping forward clicking his fingers as the shackles fall off onto the ground disappearing into little pink dust. 

"Yes, I did." I say rubbing my wrists from the painful feeling where the shackles have dug into my skin causing a little blood to drip out.

"Do you know what you've just caused?" Wilford leans forward lifting my chin up with his index finger smirking sinisterly as his eyes glow a bright pink. Wilford chuckles stepping back as I say nothing, he takes a hold of my hand squeezing it tightly as a marking on my wrist appears with a huge 'W' appears. He holds my wrist tighter as we teleport to a place I have seen a lot of, my basement. 

The basement is extremely dark but I hear little movements from the wall behind me, I don't dare to look what is making that sound but instead Wilford grabs me twirling around so I face the wall where the voice had came from, a burning coloured light lit up the room and that's where I see Anti, Jack and A/n hanging from the wall. Septic has stained from last time. This is where all the dark memories come to life. I stared in shock at them all completely knocked out with blood stains everywhere on them, they look lifeless. The movements I hear came from the shackles which are attached to their wrists and feet which hit off the wall making the noise I heard. 

"Why did you do this?" I back away as I feel a cold hand tap my shoulder

"I didn't do this but you did." Wilford smiles as his annoying evil voice echoes into my ears.

"What, how...I didn't want this to happen!" I say as Wilford places his index finger against my lips shushing me a little sexually while whispering the words 'You were warned'.

The whole room changed to a dim blue colour as a spotlight focused on Anti, I watched as he woke up and started talking, "Why did you do this Mark, you were warned!" "You've killed Dark and now we have to obey and beg to keep our lives, why Mark?" Anti shouts angrily, I'm guessing this is the past from when Dark disappeared he is a demon and cares a lot about Dark. I've made a huge mistake which I'll never be able to take back! The spot light turns off on Anti as he goes back to being unconscious and in the present time, the light moves over to Jack who wakes up facing towards me like Anti did. "Mark, why did you do this. You were warned so many times about this and from the man himself, have you not seen how upset Anti has been. He cried. A demon crying becuase you have killed his best friend and his only best friend!" Jack cries in the same loud tone as Anti. The light move to A/n leaving Jack hanging against the wall asleep. A/n opened her eyes and started to cry, a little voice could be heard as she says "Mark, I'm your sister. I t-trusted you but you abandoned us all, I've seen Anti cry over your dumb decision, I have seen Jack trying to cheer him up but he only felt like crying too. You were warned! Mark your still my brother but how can you fix something like this?" A/n's tears fell to the ground as the lights come back on and the spotlight fades, A/n sleeps while I run over to the wall trying to get to them but they were too high up! 

"Poor Markimoo, I guess I win!" Wilford dances around stupidly as I roll my eyes.

"I HATE YOU!" I scream as loud as my voice would let me

"Don't say that, you've helped me get this far and now you'll join them!" Wilford says as he grabs my wrist teleporting me to a strange looking mansion. Around me were Anti, Jack, A/n, Light, Glitch, Google and every Iplier there is...except for Dark. Little spirals circle in their eyes as they all stand in lines ready to take orders from Wilford, I stand in the middle of them all catching eye with Jack. I carefully creep over to where he stands hiding behind the tall Ipliers grabbing Jack's wrist pulling him around the corner into a strange storage cupboard. His eyes were filled with different shades of pink spirals spinning around at a normal pace as I try to snap him out of it, shaking his arms, waving my hands around his face, talking to him trying to reach his now muffled brain. Nothing is working, forever this is how we're going to live!

"Jack...Jack please...Jack." I grab onto Jack's hoodie wiping my tears away as I bury my head into it feeling the warmth bring life to my skin. Jack was motionless not moving a single bit standing like a robot waiting for an order. I cry more and more and more as flashes of lighting flicker through the little window hearing the loud thundering boom outside, I hear marching around from outside the room but I do not care. I'm focused on crying, crying about everything which I have caused by the decision I had to make which has changed everything. I can't ever go back but I wish I could! 

"Jack, I'm so sorry for everything I have done I just wish I could go back and fix it all. I hope that your okay but just please snap out of whatever you're in. I need you and I'm just lost with nothing. I don't know what to do but I think I've done enough, the only way to stop this if...I die.

Nothing happens..Wilford got him, Wilford got everyone.

I was warned

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