Tale of Antisepticeye: Unstoppable...Maybe?

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Tim and Sam were both hugging their owners and was crying making tiny sniffles as they did, Anti and Dark were laughing Anti winked at the glowing eye to surround Jack and Mark in a two separate bubbles, Anti then winked at Dark with his septiceye to trap Sam and and Tim in a cage. The cage was tiny and both of them were squashed into it, Dark had a tiny key and turned the lock he then put the key in his pocket and then winked at Anti.

Anti's POV

With helpless Jack and wimpy Mark trapped in that bubble up there, nothing will stop me especially not their precious little sidekicks, I had gave Darkiplier the signal and I watched Sam and Tim being squeezed into the cage. 

Sam's POV!

Trapped in the cage with Tim made me worry as I rolled around squashing him looking up at our masters Jack and Mark, we had to get out and help them, I tried zapping and I tried melting the metal bars but I couldn't, Tim charged at the metal bars but hit his box shaped head, I had an idea!

Mark's POV

I woke up on a soft comfortable floor, I rubbed my head and looked around which I then saw was Jack's leg and arm...Oh no what happened I thought to my self but I then wriggled over and Jack's head was resting on my stomach which I didn't notice until now, he looked happy and at peace I then put my hands against the bubble we were stuck in and looked down to see Sam and Tim in a tiny cage looking up at us. I saw then and shouted help waking Jack up.

Jack's POV

I woke up to the sound of Mark screaming out the word 'HELP' I don't know why until I looked around and infront of me was a bubble, I leaned forward to get up and I was lying on Mark's stomach with my legs and arms spread out everywhere...oops! I moved forward making the bubble unstable and we fell over all over the place bouncing around it was kinda fun and started to laugh!

Anti looked up at Jack and Mark laughing while bouncing all over the place in that huge bubble above them, he was worried incase it was going to pop and shouted at Dark to make them stop. Dark didn't know what to do and looked up while they were both distracted Sam squeezed through the gap of the cage with Tim's help and zapped the bubble, it then popped with Jack and Mark falling down.

   Anti and Dark both ran out the way for Mark and Jack to hit themselves on the concrete, Sam zapped the bubble back and Mark and Jack fell onto it and slid off back onto the ground without being hurt. Mark ran over to the cage and tried to use his remaining strength to open the cage and to set Tim free..but it didn't work, they had to get the key out of Dark's pocket...other than that they were UNSTOPPABLE! 

They looked over to see Anti and Dark running out of the basement and up the stairs, Mark and Jack followed to get the key to free Tim and Sam was infront of them flying shooting out beams and lasers at Anti and Dark. Anti and Dark hurried into the kitchen and grabbed knives they know what they have to do to stop Jack and Mark from killing them!

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