Tale of Antisepticeye: The Last Moment

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Jack's POV

Me and Mark were covered in red wine and were still dizzy from passing out, Anti and Dark had gone...don't know where to but at least they aren't with us no more, but where? the kitchen floor made me cold and gave me a pain in my side. We had to find Anti and Dark!

We limped out the room to a hallway, the lights were off and ornaments were smashed all over the floor, slowly but carefully we tiptoed to the end of the hallway. We looked inside the room on the left and everything was black, the light was swinging from the draft until the lightbulb fell and smashed on the floor. Me and Mark turned to the front door and slowly stepped out, people were walking past staring and were shouting 'are you alright' at us thinking the red wine was blood but to be honest we looked a mess and must have had a beating while we were asleep.

Mark's POV

Me and Jack were in the middle of the street limping looking all over the place, we looked so stupid and we didn't know where Anti and Dark will be...

"Jack, were never going to find them and the cops are going to see us dripping in wine...we can't say that 'our counter parts' did this, they would never believe us!" I said limping back to my house

"We can't give up Mark!" Jack said with wine dripping from his hair

"Jack, come on they're gone can't you be happy?" I looked Jack in the eye but his head was down looking at his hands...

"Jack...are you alright...JACK! I screamed

Jack's POV

I knew Mark was upset about all this, he walked off towards the front door, I didn't move I had my head down looking at my hands with bruises and scars all over. Suddenly a lightning pain shot through my spine, I fell to the floor and heard Mark shout in the background! Something was crying to crawl out my back scratching with it's sharp claws, I screamed into the air and saw green smoke floating above me.

"Thanks Jack!" a sinister voice came from the green smoke above me which was forming more and more into....ANTI!

"Wha...what are...you doing...here?" I was stuttering becoming weak as more and more green smoke which now appeared to be a 'spirit or soul' from something

"Jack, I came here to thank you for your soul!" Anti made a smile which disturbed me and made me shiver 

"What..do....uh..you mean..my...soul?" I was trying to talk but just got weaker by the minute, Anti lifted my chin up for my eyes to meet his.

"Thanks Jack, bye!" Anti was whispering, the whispers surrounding me taking my soul away as Anti disappeared in thin air

"JACK!!!" Mark cried out 

I closed me eyes, I then opened the a little to see him running towards me, I closed my eyes. I heard Mark scream my name for the last time...

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