Chapter 1

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"Joe, I'm not sure if we should do this." I was really nervous. I had never done that in my whole life. I guess I was just too afraid.

"Of course, we should. Why not? You've all grown up."


"Trust me. You'll be fine. It'll be fun."

"I'm blaming you if I'll throw up everywhere."

"I'll take the blame. Come on." He started pulling me and we sat on the roller coaster.

Yeap, roller coaster. I've always hated roller coaster. I had never ridden any in my whole life until that day Joe took me to Disneyland when we were having a trip to LA with the others.

"Are you ready?" He asked me with a smirk.

"Never." I rolled my eyes nervously and he laughed. Once it started, I began screaming really loud. I could tell Joe was really embarrassed but it was his fault taking me to that ride to hell.

It finally ended and my head got all dizzy and I was ready to throw up. I swore to myself that I will never ever ever ever ever ride that thing ever again.

"How was it, loser?" He chuckled while rubbing my back before I got to throw up.

"Shut it. I hate you." He laughed even worse and I finally threw up a little. I could feel eyes on me but I really didn't care. I couldn't handle it any longer.

"Oh God. Chrissy, you okay?" I turned my head to see Zoe and the others coming toward us.

"She's fine. I just took her to ride the roller coaster." Joe said while laughing. He came closer to Jeanette, his girlfriend who was there too and kissed her lips quickly.

"Joe, you know she hates roller coaster." Zoe yelled at Joe. She came to me and started to help me with everything. Zoe's just the sister that I've never had.

"It's okay, Zoe. She's a big girl now. She needs to at least ride a roller coaster once in her life. She made it through the flight, right?" He stuck his tongue out at me and I did the same at him. The rest just laughed at us being us like always. Yeah...I had a fear of flying either. I hate planes but Joe made me come with the rest to America. You could tell it was my first time.

Anyway, I've been best friends with Joe and also Zoe since as long as I could remember. My mom used to be great friends with their mom but a few years after my mom passed away, my dad moved to USA with her new wife and I told you I hate planes. So they offered me to live with them at their apartment that we've shared for like 4 years now. Zoe and Joe have been taking a real good care of me. I sleep on their bed, eat their foods, and even ride their cars and it just feels like home.

"Are you feeling any better?" Marcus asked on our way back to the hotel which was just a few miles away from Disneyland.

"Yeah, I'm a lot better now. Thanks for asking." I smiled at him. We've been pretty close lately since I can't really remember when. We went out together pretty often. So I'd say he's like my...second best friend?

"Are you going to visit your dad?" Oh right. I'm in the USA. Why didn't I think about visiting my dad.

"I don't know. I haven't really thought about it." He nodded with a smile.

"Marcus and Chrissy sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Joe chuckled looking at Marcus and I.

"Joe! Stop it!" God! Joe always teased me whenever I'm with Marcus. Marcus is a nice guy but somehow I don't think I have feeling for him. I don't know though. Maybe I will but just not yet. I'm just not the type who falls in love easily. Ever since my last boyfriend cheated on me 3 years ago, I've never dated anyone else and I don't think I wanted to. "Joe is so cheeky." I said to Marcus trying to break the moment.

"Yeah, he's a cheeky boy." He said giggling. We kept walking on silence. A few meters away to the hotel. I was just too tired. It felt like I needed to take my legs off. "I like you." Marcus said out of nowhere.

"What?" I pretended that I didn't hear him. Did I hear it right? Did he just say he like me? He can't...he knows my story. Why would he do that?

"What?" His cheeks were red as can be.

"What did you say?"

"Eh..nothing. I didn't say anything." He said a little conscious. What on earth just happened?! God, it'll be awkward. "I'm...gonna go upstairs." I just nodded not wanting to make it more awkward. He left me and took the elevator to his room.

I sat on a couch in the lobby thinking what just happened. How will I act in front of him now? But did he really say that or was it just my ear? That was the kind of moment where I just want to take a deep breath and jump off from a bridge. What just happened?!


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