Chapter 23

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"Hey, Zoe."


"Zoe? What happened?"

"It's...i-it's Joe." My heart shrunk as I heard his voice. What could possibly happen to him? Is he okay?

"What? What happened with him?"

"He's in the hospital now." She took a deep breath before continuing, "he got into a car accident." My grip loosen and my phone fell on the table right next to a plate of an untouched grilled chicken.

Joe...I haven't seen him for days and now he's in the hospital? How is his condition now? Is he...alive? God, please save him.

I gathered all my stuffs and forcefully shoved them into my purse. Joey walked back to our table with a few foods on his plate and a smile on his face but soon his beautiful smile turned into a frown once he saw the tears that apparently had been on my cheek since the phone call.

"Chrissy, are you okay?" He asked with full of concern in his eyes.

"Joey, I'm...really sorry. I have to...I have to go now." I managed to tell him between sobs.

"But what happened?"

"J-Joe...he's...he's in now. I-"

"Okay okay. I'll come with you. Come on." He cut me off knowing I it's hard for me. The news.

"No. It''s fine. I'll take a cab or-"

"Chrissy, come on." He held out his hand and I took it after wiping some tears.

"Thank you, Joey." He smiled at me and we walked out of the restaurant after some interrogation from the cashier lady that Joey explained clearly. Just enough to let her know what she might don't care about but want to know anyway.

We got into Joey's rented car and he started to drove the car to the direction of where the hospital is.

"Do you know what happened?" Joey asked breaking the silence.

"Zoe said it was a car accident. I don't want to lose him, Joey. I can't lose him."

"You won't, Chrissy. Joe will be okay. I promise you." Joey put his left hand on my back trying to comfort me.

Well, everyone's going to say that. 'Joe will be okay.' When we all know he's not even close to okay. It's all felt like déjà vu. People kept on telling me that the person that I love, who was lying on the hospital bed, unconscious, was going to be okay when just in a matter of hours, she left me. Forever. She breathed her last breath in front of my eyes. It was all still clear to me. How I ran from school to the hospital when I heard the news and saw her lying on the hospital bed with a lot of medical stuffs connected to her body which didn't do any job. It was terrifying.

"Come on, Chrissy." As I came back from my flashback, the door was already opened and held by Joey. In front of the car was the same exact hospital with the one where I lost my mom. I took a deep deep breath and finally put my left foot on the ground followed by my right one.

Joey and I walked into the hospital and was greeted by the nurse who looked like she was in her 50s.

"Good day. How can I help you?" She asked politely.


"Can you tell us where Joseph Sugg's room is?" Joey cut me off knowing I was still unable to speak.

"Let me check." She typed some words on the computer and continued, "he's in room 531. You can took the lift to the fifth floor, then turn right. It won't be far from there." Joey replied with a smile and thank you before putting his arm around my shoulder for support and we walked to Joe's room.

"Get in. I'll wait here." Joey assured me and I nodded.

I opened the door and there, I saw Mr. and Mrs. Sugg and also Zoella looking straight to the bed in front of their watery eyes.

"Chrissy!" Zoella noticed me first and she hugged me right away before letting me see his red puffy eyes once she backed off. But she didn't look that miserable. Maybe Joe's fine?

"How's he?"

"The doctor said nothing bad happened since the truck that hit him got time to hit the break soon enough. He only hit his head on the steering wheel and that'll be it. He should be awake soon."

"Are you sure the doctor wasn't just trying to make it sounds better?"

"Chrissy! No, I'm sure he'll be fine. If you don't trust him then you can trust me." I nodded at her and I brought my eyes up to see Mrs. Sugg.

"Tracey" I smiled apologetically.

"Chrissy, how are you?"

"Well..." I trailed not knowing how to reply to that question since we all know I'm not close to okay.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too." I smiled at her and hugged her out of nowhere. She was surprised at first but soon returned my hug. "He'll be fine, right?"

"Of course he'll be fine." I've considered her as my mom ever since my mom died. She loves me and I love her too. Although, no one can ever replace my mom but she's been taking care of me even before mom died. "We'll leave you alone if you want to have some times with Joe, okay?" I nodded and smiled weakly at Graham before they all went out.

I took a seat next to Joe's weak body. He didn't look half as bad as my mom used to which is quite a relieve, and I didn't see any bruise except for his bandaged head. I smiled at the fact that maybe he'd wake up anytime soon and maybe I'd be able to laugh with him again soon.

My hand made its way to his palm and I squeezed it slightly letting him know that I was there with him. "I miss you, Joe. What were you thinking? You've always been a good driver. And...where's your fiancée in time like this? Why isn't she by your side now?" Realising what i just said, I stopped my words before continuing. "I'm sorry. That wasn't nice. But I really miss you and I hope you won't leave me like my mom did. I need you. I don't think I can live without you."

A tear dropped right on top of Joe's hand and I soon wiped it. After a good half an hour of staring at his eyelids and convincing myself that he's going to be alright, I stood up and walked out of the room. That's when I saw Joey trying to comfort Zoe and so I walked to them and tried my best to smile.

"Is he okay?" Joey asked more like to both, Zoe and I.

"He's unconscious, Joey." Zoe stated obviously.

"I'm sorry but I don't know what happened. He's fine, right? As he'll wake up soon?"

"Yeah. That's what the doctor said. Let's hope for the best."

"Anyway, Zoe, have you seen Jeanette? Why haven't I seen her?" I let out my thoughts that'd been bothering me since I got here.

"Actually...I haven't told her." I waited for her to continue with an excuse but she never did.

"Because?" I asked.

"Because...I just simply don't want her to be here. You know I don't like her."

"But she's Joe's fiancée, Zoella. She deserves to know. Joe may need her right now."

"He doesn't. And if she's his fiancée then she should've found out even before I tell her. She should've always been there for him. She should know better than to let him leave by himself. But where is she? She haven't ev-"

"Hello?" I cut Zoe's rambling off after Jeanette decided to pick up my phone call. I know it must've taken her some times to think whether she should answer it or not knowing how much she loves me. Which is less than Harry's love for He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

I saw Zoe's eyes widened in horror and whispered, "What are you doing? Are you sick?! Hang up!". But I didn't bother doing what she told me to do.

"Hey, Chris. By the way, it's me, Jeanette. I don't know if you called me by mistake or something but nice talking to-"

"Actually, Jeanette, I was meant to call you."

"Oh?" She said but came out more like a question. "Did you finally realise that you need my advices to be pretty?"

"You wish, but no. Sorry. Joe's in the hospital now."

"Oh my god. Is he okay?" Okay, let's be frank here. She did sound like she's worried but more like...a worried friend? A long lost friend. A kindergarten friend who moved away once she got into elementary school. What the hell is wrong with her?!

"What do you think? I just said he's in the hospital. Do you think he's okay?"

"Well, people don't always go to the hospital when they're sick, Chris. Maybe he's visiting a friend?"

"Okay, yeah whatever, Jonathan." Getting irritated, I changed his name like what she did with mine. Yeah, my nickname for her's better though so I guess, good for her. "But he's unconscious now. He almost got hit by a truck. Can't you for once be a good fiancée and just check on his condition?"

"Are you serious?! Okay, I'll be there in...50 minutes. Don't touch him. He's mine."

"Fifty min-" before I could show her my shock, she hung up way too soon. Is she serious?! Fifty minutes?! Where on this little land could she be? It shouldn't take her that long.

"So...did something?"

"Well, Zoe, I was talking to her through this awesome invention so unfortunately, she did talk." I said sarcastically and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"And what did she say?"

"She said that she'll be here in fifty minutes." She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and so I continued "keep it for the next fifty minutes and ask her yourself."

"Has she always been that bitchy?" Our eyes turned to where Joey was and we nodded in unison. Yes, she's always been that bitchy. God bless Joe's generous heart for dating her so she could feel real love.

"Anyway, did she say anything else?" Zoe asked me.

" Should she?"

"No no."


"Nothing, Chrissy. I was just...curious." I furrowed my eyebrows at her but she just tuned her head around, ignoring me.

I know something's up and I need to know. What else could it be? Why do people love to hide something from me? If Zoe doesn't want to tell me, then I guess I need to figure it out myself.

NCIS mode = ON


Guys I'm sorry it's not the best chapter but I still hope you guys enjoyed it! I hope I'll be able to post the next chapter real soon!

Tell me what you think about it and I'm sorry for all those grammatical errors or something.

And yes, if you did enjoy it, vote because you're awesome!

P.s @shillafa <- that's my twitter account haha feel free mention me with anything you want! Hahaha and if you want to be friend maybe? :D

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