Chapter 34

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Last night was still undeniably unreal to me. Joe Sugg, my best friend, my crush, my enemy's ex-fiancé, told me with his own words that he loved me. Can you believe that? I sure can't.

I ran down the stairs after taking a three-songs-long of shower. I took a pan and turned on the stove, humming to myself.

I decided to wake up earlier than everybody else that day to make my beloved brother a plate of mushroom and cheese omelette and some bacons. I poured a glass of chocolate milk and carried everything to Sebastian's room, still humming to some random happy songs that match my feeling.

"Wake up, wake up!" I sang as I placed the tray on his nightstand.

He let out a yawn, stretching his arms and legs before cracking an eye open. "What are you doing in my room?"

"Bringing my beautiful brother breakfast." I smirked, taking a seat on his bed and crossing my feet.

"What's the occasion?" He furrowed his eyebrows but soon his eyes widened with amusement as if he just solved the puzzle. "Is this for what happened yesterday?"

"Maybe." I shrugged, still smirking to myself. That made him chuckle and took a sip of his chocolate milk. "So tell me what you did." I demanded.

"I didn't do anything." He shrugged nonchalantly and I raised my eyebrows, waiting for more. "Okay. Let's just say that my super power of remembering numbers came out handy. When I took your phone the other week? Yeah well, I did play scribblenauts but before that, I was looking for Joe's number. And I wasn't really texting Rachel in the car. I did that once you asked me and I realized I needed to text her."

"That poor little girl." My words cause him to slap my arm and we both chuckled. "But anyway, I don't know how I can thank you enough. You're the best brother anyone could ever ask for."

"True. But I did owe you though so I guess we're even." He smiled and I hugged him as tight as I could.

I darted out of his room after letting him know that I'd be out the whole day and telling him to come to the café that night to watch me. I could barely function without anyone I know well sitting somewhere in the room to mentally encourage me.


"Room service!" I called out outside of Joe's hotel room but apparently, he didn't buy it as I heard his adorable chuckle from inside the room.

Once he opened the door, he grinned at me. My smile, however, never seemed to come as my eyes locked with his bare chest.

"Are you...wearing a transparent t-shirt?" I asked, pointing at his...I didn't even know what I was pointing at. Abs, chest, stomach, whatever. I don't even think my finger was in any condition to point at anything. It was shaking uncontrollably.

When did I turn into a hormonal little adolescent?

"Why do I fall for you out of everyone?" He chuckled and walked back inside, opening the door wider to let me in.

I walk into his hotel room and plopped down on the couch once he, thankfully, put on a t-shirt. He soon joined me on the couch and put his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him which made me to drop my head on his shoulder.

"Any specific reason as to why you come to visit your boyfriend?" The word boyfriend still made me all tingly inside. I mean, sure we called each other boyfriend and girlfriend long time ago when we were best friends-not that we're not best friends now-but now, it's just different. We were actually boyfriend and girlfriend and I was still trying to get used to it.

"How long will you be here for?" I asked him seriously and he furrowed his eyebrows at this.

"What do you mean?" And now, I was the one who furrowed my eyebrows.

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