Chapter 6

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We all walked into Chrissy's room and waited silently for her to wake up there. She looked weak with bandage all around her nose and some medical stuffs that helped her breathe.

I sat next to Chrissy's bed the whole day while the others sat on the couch in the room. I held her cold hand but of course, she didn't respond to it.

"Mate, you haven't eaten the whole day. She'll wake up in no time just like what the doctor said. Trust me." Caspar tried to make me eat. But I can't leave her. Not at this time. "She won't want you to torture yourself."

"I'm not hungry, Casp. She doesn't get to eat and I won't either."

"Joe, Caspar's right. She'll want you to get some foods. You don't want to be sick because if you are, you won't be able to take care of her. And that's not good." Marcus said. He's right but if I go, I won't be there for her in case she's awake. "I'll tell you what. I'll get some foods and you can just stay here with her. But promise me you'll eat anything that I'll get you." I smiled weakly and nodded. They smiled back at me and left the room to get some foods. I'm so glad I have such nice friends.

Zoe fell asleep on the couch. She must be so tired. I was pretty tired myself but I managed myself to stay awake for Chrissy.

"Joe?" Someone opened the door.

"Guys? That's fast." I said without turning my head.

"'s me." I turned around and found Daniel standing there.

"Dad, come in." I stood up and let him sit on the chair that I sat on so he could get some times with Chrissy. He smiled at me and took the seat. I sometimes call him dad just because he asked me too. Yeah, we're just that close.

"Hey, birthday girl." I heard him talking to Chrissy while wiping his eyes. "Happy birthday. Look I got you something here. You can always open it once you're awake. Anyway, I'm not mad at you for not telling me you're in America. Well, I'm a little pissed but good thing you got Joe and Zoe with you so I don't have to be worried." He looked at me with a smile. I smiled back at him and another tear fell from his eyes. I came up to him and wrapped his shoulders calming him down. Daniel has never been that tough guy. He even once told me when I was younger that it's okay for boys to cry.

"She'll be fine. She's a strong girl." I tried to be strong in front of him even though I'm broken inside. I miss Chrissy. I miss her laugh, her jokes, her everything but all she could do was just laying there unconsciously.

"I know she's strong." He looked back at Chrissy. "Who did this to her?" He asked. Oh God, should I tell him?


"Who? Do I know the person?" What should I say? I know he always hated Mike even before he started dating Chrissy. If I tell him, it'll just make him get more worried. "Joe! She's my daughter. If I should leave my job just to make her save, I would. Now tell me who's the guy."

"It was...M-Mike."

"Mike?! How did he even get here?" He looked really shocked that his eyeballs almost popped out.

"I don't know. I was throwing a little party for Chrissy and he showed up. I think maybe one of her school friends told him about it." He sighed and seemed like he was in a deep thinking until he finally spilled.

"I think she should stay here with me in America just so she'll be save. I'll get her stuffs next week." What?! But she can't! What should I do?! I knew I shouldn't tell him about the whole Mike things.


I'm so bad at writing long chapter. I'll work on that later, I promise.

Hope you guys enjoyed it aaand vote because you're awesome! :)

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