Chapter 33

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Once the love ride ended, I ran out of it and, to everyone's surprises, I puked. On the first trash can that I saw. Disgusting, I know. But it wasn't like I could control it.

I felt a presence from behind me and whoever the person was, they held my hair up and soothed my back up and down.

Once I felt like everything was out, I stood back up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

I turned around to see Sebastian smiling brightly at me.

"Thank you." I said before wiping my eyes with my other hand.

"It's okay. Are you good now?" He asked concernedly and I nodded. And with that, he immediately smirked. I knew Sebastian being nice was just too good to be true. "So, tell me then!" He said, back to his cheerful personality.

"What?" I rolled my eyes and walked passed him towards the other two boys.

"How did it go? What are you guys now? Did you two make out during the ride? Ooh did you do it?" He asked those bucket of questions, following me behind. I turned around, a few meters before we reached the boys, and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Sebby! Shut up, will you? We didn't do anything." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"But you two are together, right?" He asked me and I sighed not knowing what to say. I let my hands fall to my sides. What were we? He said he's falling for me and then what? I mean yeah, I love him but he said he didn't technically call off the wedding. What does that mean? "Right?" Sebby asked again when I didn't answer. I shook my head slowly. "Joe!" He shouted now and walked pass me.

Okay this wasn't good.

I turned around after awhile to see Joe's confused face and Sebby's upset one.

"You two aren't together yet. You better have a good reason."

Joe sighed and glanced at me before looking down at the ground. "I was...nervous. She didn't even say anything after I told her." I could see his cheeks turned pink and boy, it was the most adorable thing I've ever seen in my 22 years of breathing.

"What was I supposed to say? He didn't ask me anything." I shrugged as if it was nothing although my heart was pounding inside over a reason I wasn't even sure what.

"Well now, I'm sure you have something you want to ask her then, right, Joe?" Joey said, nudging Joe on his side. That made Joe looked at me and took a deep breath.

"Well...will you go out with me?" He asked and I had to bite the inside of my bottom lip to stop myself from beaming like an idiot.

"You said you didn't technically call off the wedding. What does that mean?" I asked him. Well, I didn't want to say yes if he was still romantically related to the girl who doesn't like my guts.

"Long story. Let's just say I didn't even remember I ever proposed to her. And when I woke, I found it stupid. Really stupid." I stared at him wide eyed. Was he trying to say what I was thinking? He couldn't be... As if answering my shocked face, he smiled sheepishly and nodded. "It's not that bad though. I still remember riding this thing with you a few months back." I wasn't sure whether to feel relieved because it wasn't as bad as I thought, happy because he remembered our good times, or guilty since I left him in his tough days.

"Yes." I said after a few moment of silence. Joe furrowed his eyes in confusion and so I continued, "I'd love to go out with you." Joe smiled at this and he soon wrapped his hands around my shoulders, crushing the daylight out of me. "O-okay, Joe...I-I can't...b-breathe..." I could hear Sebby and Joey chuckled and Joe soon let me go.

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