Chapter 20

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"Hey, are you okay? You seem a little lost today."

"Yeah, I'm good." Not. I've been thinking a lot about Joe, to be completely honest. Ever since he left, which was yesterday, - but really it feels like it's been a month - we've never contacted each other. He's never texted me, let alone call me. Do I miss him? Only God knows the answer because I don't even know. Maybe I do but just too afraid to admit it. Or maybe I don't but feels like there's just something missing. Seriously I don't get myself when it comes to Joe. I shouldn't have this feeling I know. Joe has a fiancée who he loves so much and the last thing I should do is to ruin their happiness.

"We're here." Joey parked his car that he rented on a parking lot.

Carnival. We're in a carnival. This should be fun. Or at least I should be able to forget whatever Joe's doing to my mind. Shoot me now. I'm on a date with the nicest guy on earth who's just too sweet and actually saved me from a psycho and I'm still thinking about a guy who's going to marry the love of his life in a matter of months. You're screwed, you know that, Chrissy? You're undeniably screwed.

"Chrissy, do you want to go? It's okay if you don't want to. We can go anywhere else that you want."

"Are you kidding me? Of course I want. Let's go." I tried my best to put Joe on the back of my head and got out of the car. After all this is supposed to be mine and Joey's day.

Joey soon followed behind me and we bought our tickets to get in. Yes, Joey paid again. My wallet's still somewhere in Joe's car and now he's left. What do I do?

"Do you mind if I record today?" Joey asked once we were inside.

"Of course not. It's your hobby." I grinned and he took out his camera.

"So guys, today, I'm in this awesome carnival in London. It's my third day here. Time does move so fast, isn't it?" He said while faking a pout which only make him more handsome. "Anyway, remember the girl that I met in the hospital with Joe?"

"That'll be me!" I shouted.

"Oh you ruin the surprise! Well anyway, ladies and gentleman I present to you Chrissy Mears!" He turned his camera to me and I bowed a little like what a princess would do. I feel like a real princess. Maybe my mom was once a queen. Maybe I actually have a blood of a princess running in me. Okay, no.

"Joey! Can we play the skee ball, pleaseee?" I begged like a little kid I was. I've always loved skee ball. It's just the coolest thing ever invented and boy I love the inventor of that awesome game.

"Let's go, kid." He laughed and we ran to it. "Just a little warning, though. I might will beat you to it."

"Yeah, sure just keep it all to yourself unless you're not afraid of being embarrassed." I stuck my tongue out and he chuckled at my childlike behaviour.

"870 to 320! Take that, Mr. Graceffa. Still think you're better than me?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Guys! You all saw she took my ball!" He said to the camera who I just realised was still recording. "You cheated, Miss Mears!"

I gasped, "how dare you saying that? I did not cheat! You had ten balls and I only had eight!!"

"That's just my luck!"

"No! You're a cheater."

"You are, young lady!"

"No! You just don't want me to embarrass you in front of your viewers! Which I just did." I grinned big and he just shook his head while chuckling.

"Guys?" We heard a voice and soon turned our heads to the source of the voice and found two good looking fellas walking towards us.

"Jack!" I ran to him and hugged him. Let's just say I haven't really seen any of the crew ever since LA - except for that one boy - and I miss them too much.

"Hey, I heard about..."

"I'm good, Jack. Thanks. What about you?" I said quickly changing the subjects. Whether he was going to say Mike or Marcus or even Joe, I don't really care. Those are the last damn things I want to talk about right now since I'm currently having the time of my life.

"Chrissy..." He chuckled. "I'm good too. Thanks for asking." All of the sudden, Finn, who I just realised was standing next to Jack, faked a cough.

"And how are you, cheeky Finn?" I turned to him with a slight chuckle and he smiled to me.

"I'm good now. Thanks for considering to ask." We all laughed.

"What are you guys doing here?" Joey joined in.

"We actually had nothing to do and just decided to come here. You know, refreshing our minds. I should ask the same question to you guys. What are you doing here...together?" Right. They didn't know. Well, basically no one knows except for Joe and Zoe.

"We're...uh..." Joey stuttered not knowing what to say. And truth be told, I don't either. Will it be too weird to say we're on a date? That sounds a little weird. Doesn't it? Joey stared at me for a little moment.

"I'm sorry. Was that supposed to be a secret or..." I nod my head at Jack and Finn with my eyes kept staring at Joey telling him to tell them.

"Well, um...we're kind of...on" That sounded more like a question. I know Joey's not so good with controlling himself when he's nervous.

I turned my head at the twins whose eyes were now as wide as the skeeball ball.

"Did...we miss anything?" Finn asked breaking the moment. I chuckled at their reaction. "How did it...happen? How long? Why?" Finn asked still not moving. And Jack too.

"I guess we owe you guys some explanations. Let's get something to eat after this?"

"Sounds good to me."

5 games of skee ball, 3 games of milk bottle, 2 games of Whac-A-Mole, a game of dart, 4 games of high striker, some pictures, 2 hot guys with cameras, some fangirls, and 2 cotton candies later, we decided that it's time to leave this amazing carnival. And as promised, we're going to get some foods to fill our practically empty stomaches.

"We'll meet you there, okay?" Jack told Joey and I, and we nodded in unison. With that, we parted to our cars.

Joey opened the door for me and I smiled. This boy sure does know how to make my heart do the jumping jacks, doesn't he?

"You see you're cute when you blush." He smirked and my hands soon covered both my cheeks. Do I really blush? Well, like those words he just said supposed to make my blush gone. You're making it worse, Mister. "Anyway, did you enjoy this day?"

"Are you serious? Of course I did! It was the best day in my entire life. Thank you so much, Joey." I smiled. It really is one of the best days in my life. I could easily forget all my problems and just have some fun with Joey and the Harries. Oh and excuse me, what problem did I have again?

"Glad you enjoyed it." He glanced at me and smiled.

I love how Joey haven't brought up anything about yesterday. I hope he just won't. I guess he knows how much it hurts and if don't want to ruin this day.

We finally arrived in a Japanese restaurant because I felt like having some sushi in my mouth and so did Joey. So here we are fulfilling our needs.

We got in and the Harries were already there waiting for us so we walked to them and took our seats.

"What took you so long?" Jack groaned.

"What took you guys so fast?" I replied and laughed.

"Get to the story!"

"Hey, we haven't ordered yet."

"Fine, make it fast."

I raised a hand and soon enough a waiter come to our table.

"Good day. How may I help you?" He said with a bright smile on his lips.

"Um...let's see..." We ordered some sushis and sashimi then thanked the waiter.

"You can get anything from our sushi bar over there." He said motioning his hand to a little bar with a lot of sushis on it. "Or you can ask me." He said before he finally left us.

"Now that you've ordered, we need details."

"Gee, boys. Calm down." Both Jack and Finn put their chins on their hands as they're resting them on the table. See how cute my boys are. "Remember LA?" Both of them nodded almost immediately at the same time. "And...the whole party thing?" Again, they nodded with a frown probably remembering that particular day. "So once you guys got back, and once I woke up, I took a little walk around the hospital. When I was..."

"Here are your ice teas and..." Jack and Finn both glared at the innocent waiter who was just trying to be nice and serve our drinks. Poor him. "Uh...I-I'm sorry I was..."

"It's okay." I said to him. "You're doing your job good. Ignore these boys." I told him with amusement showed in my face and he just nodded and left after serving the rests of the drinks. "So where were we?"

"I saw her in the hospital." Joey said cutting me off. "And seriously guys. What would you do if you see a beautiful girl like her all alone in a hospital with IV connected to her wrist?"

"Ignore her...?"

"Jack!" I slapped him.

"I'm just kidding! Okay what?"

"Well, lucky to me she almost fell so I had a reason to help her." Joey said with a smirk and I couldn't help but blush. Oh God, this is bad. What's wrong with my blood circulation?

The boys had awed looks showing in their faces and I couldn't help but giggle. Then I turned my head to Joey. The boy who knows well how to make me blush and happy at the same time. Yet, I still don't have that one special feeling for him. Why? I don't know. Nice? Check. Good-looking? Double check. But there's something stopping me from checking the box to the word Like. I like him enough to maybe go on some dates with him. know what I'm saying, right? I can't seem to see...future with him.

But when it comes to Joe..

Oh stop it, Chrissy! Not that boy again. He doesn't care about you. He doesn't see you the way you see him. And he's going to get freaking married! Just stop thinking about him and try to work things out with this one beautiful boy. For once, can you?

No, I can't. Well, that's the truth. My brain's always right and I hate it.

I felt a foot kicking mine under the table and I looked up to see Jack nodding at the sushi bar as if he wanted to have a talk with me. A serious one. I furrowed my eyebrows but did it anyway.

"Uh...I'm gonna get some sushi. Do you guys want anything?" I said hesitantly.

"No, I'm good." Joey said and Finn agreed to him.

"I'll go with you." Jack jumped from his seat and we walked away from the table.

"What is it?" I asked bluntly, not feeling so good with it.

"Are you serious with him?" I tilted my head to the right wondering what he meant by 'serious'. "I mean...what about...look. I have a feeling for...your bestfriend?" Oh no. No. Why?

"What is it with people? Who told you so?"

"It's kind of obvious, don't you think? Do you think it's possible to live under the same room with another boy who's not in any biological way related to you for 3 years and just feel enough with being best friends?"

"Four." I said simply. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "It's four years. And yes. It's possible. Look, he's engaged. It's like a baby step away from married and the least I could do is to wish them to get even happier together."

"He's not happy with her, Chrissy. He's your best friend. You should know better than anyone else that he's not happy with Jeanette." Is he? Well maybe now, but he's willing to make things better by moving to her house sooner. "Also, don't you think it's a little unfair for Joey? How you go on dates with him yet you have feeling for a boy who's probably have a feeling for you too?"

What? What is he trying to say?

"I'm happy for you whatever it is that you choose, Chrissy. But think about it." With that he left me alone back to the table and sat there like nothing happened. Like he hasn't done anything that make me losing control. Like everything he said was just supposed to be a water to drink and forget when in fact that water has been spiked. It's been contaminated and now it's ruining my brain.

God, what did I do to deserve this?


Stupid oblivious Chrissy!!! Haha anyway, it's a kind of pointless chapter I know but I hope you guys liked it.

And plus I'll be having a trip to USA so again, I probably won't be able to update for like...until next year? :| well, I hope you guys will stay with me until then! I love you guys so much!

And vote because you're awesome!!!

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