Chapter 4

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I kept moving my eyes until my view finally stuck as I saw a huge body in front of me covered up my views from everything that I enjoyed.

"Wow. You're hot." He said. I traced up to soon see the last person I'd want to see before I die. Mike.

"What are you doing here?" I asked really not wanting to see him anymore.

"I-I was staying here and I-I saw y-you are you?" He said totally switching the subject.

"I've been better." I said sarcastically.

"Playing hard to get? Okay." He got closer to me and cornering me to the edge. I was terrified. What does this guy want from me?

"Mike! Get off!"

"Come on, Chrissy. You know you still love me." This guy is extremely creepy. Joe was right. He looks like a mess. He's just different from the Mike that I used to date. Or maybe he's just the same but I just realized it. I tried my best to get away from him but then he put his strong hand on my jaw. "Listen. I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry. I want you back. And I know you want me too. I got a room upstairs and that's where you'll wake up in." I could feel his breath. He was extremely close to me. My heart pounded faster than ever. I closed my eyes not wanting to see his.

"You wish." I heard a guy who soon pushed Mike away making him fall to the ground.

"Joe!" I hugged him tightly.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded still with my racing heart. I opened my teary eyes and saw Mike making a fist and ready to punch Joe. I pushed Joe aside and his fist ended right on my nose. I could feel it completely broken and bleed. "Chrissy!" Joe held me by my shoulders. I found Zoe running toward us and helped me.

I felt numb and dizzy. Everything was getting blurred. The last thing I heard was Joe calling security and punched Mike real hard for several times. And that's it.

Joe's POV

"SECURITY!" I shouted. The music stopped and all eyes were on us now. How did he even come to the party? He clearly wasn't invited. He looked so shocked about what he did to Chrissy. I punched him over and over again and he didn't respond to it. He only tried to cover himself but didn't try to punch me back. "If anything happened to Chrissy, I will track you down and won't think twice to kill you." I said one last time before the security carried him with them out from the ballroom.

"Joe!" I heard Zoe calling my name. I turned around and found Chrissy laying on the ground with Zoe holding her head completely passed out.

I called 911 right away and after some tensed minutes they finally arrived and brought Chrissy to the hospital.

I came with them in the ambulance and some followed us with cabs and with the cars that we rented at the first day. We had the whole group accompanying Chrissy to the hospital.

I hate Mike. I've always had. And even more for doing that such a thing to Chrissy. I swear I will never forgive him.


Heyyyy guys!!! I hope you guys enjoyed it. I know it's kind of short but I still hope you enjoyed it.

And I chose the name Chrissy because I'm in love with Chrissy Costanza if you know her haha I don't know I just do.


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