Chapter 15

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Joe's POV

This considered the worst day in my life. First, I didn't get to watch Kick-Ass. Second, I didn't even spend the day with Chrissy only because my girlf...fiancée decided to ruin my plans. Thirdly, Chrissy and I were in an even bigger problem than the one we had. And on top of those all, Joey had been flirting with Chrissy the whole time and whenever there was a shocking scene she'd end up burying her head into Joey's chest like she's trying to make me jealous or something. And it sure did work.

"That was a pretty good movie." Joe said while smiling at Chrissy. "I would love to watch with you again sometimes." Chrissy smiled at him and bit her bottom lip like it's possible for her to be more adorable. I swear this needs to stop.

"Okay who wants to get some foods?" I said stopping Joey from flirting with Chrissy even more. Geez.

"Sure." Joey put her hand on Chrissy's shoulder and walked out before me. Turned out, that wasn't a really good way to end it up.

"They're so cute together, aren't they?" I forgot Jeanette was still there. I even forgot I have her. I'm such a worst fiancé. I smiled at her and we followed the new happy couple out of the cinema.

We all got into my car and I drove to the nearest place that sells burgers because that's what I felt like eating that day. I didn't even bother asking the others. I was furious it's not even funny anymore.

Chrissy's POV

Joe stopped in front of Burger King without asking. I just knew something's up. He didn't even join any of the conversations in the car. He didn't ask where we wanted to go. He just drove all the way here. How much ever I hate him right now, he's still my best friend. I needed to know what was up. Did Jeanette hurt him or something?

"Shoot. I need to find my phone. You guys just go order some foods." With that, Joey and Jeanette went inside and Joe stayed because well, he had the car key and he needed to lock it once I'm done. And that's when I'm gonna leak every informations I might need to know.

Once Joey and Jeanette were out of sight, I smirked at Joe who looked confused.

"What are you so happy about?" He asked me.

"What are you so angry about?" I replied not answering his question.

"I'm not angry."

"Oh please. I've been in your sweet little life since Prince of Bel Air first aired."

"You hadn't even born yet." He scoffed.

"You do remember that I'm supposed to be the one who's mad at you, right?"

"Yeah go ahead. You just can't stay mad at me too long." True that. But what's he so furious about? "Are you done yet? I'm starving. And your boy's waiting for you inside." He rolled his eyes as he said 'your boy'.

"Oh. My. God. You're jealous!" I might be lost in love with this handsome boy but I'm smart enough to know the symptoms of jealousy.

"Yeah sure. Let's go."

"No, Joe! Seriously. Are you jealous? Whether it's to me or Joey but you definitely are jealous!"

"Are you kidding me? I'm not."

"Are you sure about that?" I wiggled my eyebrows.


"Well, if so, let's meet my boy." I raised an eyebrow and walked inside before him.

It took awhile for him to follow me but he did eventually. I ordered a burger for myself only and took a seat on where Joey and Jeanette were. And of course, I sat next to Joey. Joe did the same but sat next to Jeanette. Game on.

"So Joey, where are you staying at?" I asked, smiling a little.

"In a hotel pretty close to your apartment." He replied just as enthusiastically as I was.

"Well, that's good. How long will you be here?"

"I don't know. I think a week or two." I pouted at the thought that he'd eventually leave and back to his country. "But I'll make sure I'll spend every single of my days here with you." He smiled and I grinned. He pulled my head closer to him and kissed the side of my head. I raised my eyebrows cockily at Joe and he shook his head as if telling me that he's not in any way jealous.

"Seriously though. Are you guys like dating or anything?" Jeanette disturbed the staring competition that I had with Joe. I stared at Joey who looked kind of shocked with the question.

"Are we?" I asked jokingly. But maybe he took it seriously...

"I don't know. fly?" he nervous about something? God, he's adorable.

"Joey? Are you alright?" I chuckled at his crimson red cheeks.

"I'm sorry." He slapped his own head stupidly. "I mean know... do you want to go out with me? As on" He asked. Wow he finally asked. Should I say yes? But I liked Joe...but their names aren't that far... And Joe's engaged.

BUT if I date Joey just so I could forget about my feeling for Joe, isn't that kind of rude? He'd hate me. But what if. What if I finally have a conquer feeling for Joey? What if it's not just to forget about Joe? What if I really like him?

"Sure." I said smiling at him. His eyes widened and hugged me like a cute little kid he is.

Jeanette squealed gaining some attentions from all the customers there. Maybe she just glad that finally, I won't bother her relationship with her Mr. Charming anymore. Well, he's all yours, Miss Charming.

When in other hand, Joe doesn't look happy at all. I was just guessing when I said he's jealous. Or maybe a little hoping too. But is he really? Now I feel bad. But nah, he won't be jealous. He said it himself that he's not jealous. That I'm just his best friend and nothing more.

Once we were done, Joe dropped Jeanette by her apt and Joey by the hotel. He said a little see you tomorrow to me an kissed my cheek before he entered the hotel.

As for now, there were only me, Joe, and this cute little guy called silence. It was only 5 minutes away but it felt like a whole decade. He stopped the car and was ready to go out when I stopped him.

"Joe, wait!"

"What?" He snapped making me stop. What did I do wrong? Why is he this mad at me? "I'm sorry."

"Please explain to me what happened."

"Nothing, Chrissy. I'm just tired. Let's get inside."

"Not until you explain to me."

"Well then, you're gonna have to stay." He handed me his car key. "If you change your mind, lock the car." He left me flabbergasted. He really did that to me. Well, no. I'm not a quitter and I will stay here even if it'll take my whole life. It's his car anyway. He'll need to come back for it.

I started the engine, opened the window, and turned the engine back off. I also didn't forget to lock the car. Thank God it was a nice cold night so I didn't really need the air conditioner. But I desperately needed a I don't need it. Let's see if Mr. Charming will ever feel guilty at all.


Hope you guys enjoyed it! School's been treating me like crazy. It's not even funny. I mean, it's not even exam week but I got exams to do every single day. Perks of being a senior.

Anyway, I'm sorry if it takes so long now for me to update unlike how I used to. But what can I do. I love each of you really. And to make it up, I'll follow back you guys. Deal? :)) just leave a comment or message or anything really.

And also, vote because you're awesome!!!

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