Chapter 10

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I was so dizzy so I held on the wall while walking around the hospital. I almost fell but then someone caught me from behind my back.

"Joe, I told you I'm..." I turned around but that wasn't Joe. That definitely wasn't Joe. "I'm sorry I were my friend."

"It's fine." He said and smiled. Those eyes were beautiful. Oh God it's just...and his muscular arms...God, help me. "Are you okay?" He snapped me out.

"Oh erm...yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. I was just...I was staring, wasn't I?" I asked and he laughed.

"Yeah, you were." I blushed and he laughed even more. "But I mean are you okay? Your nose and everything?" Chrissy, why do you have to be so stupid?! Of course he was asking about that.

"Oh yeah yeah. I'm fine. It was just...a little fight."

"Wow. A fight, huh?" We both chuckled. "I'm Joey, by the way." He held his hand out for me to shake.

"Chrissy." I shook his hand.

"You're not from around, aren't you?" I bet my accent told him so.

"Well, yeah. I'm British."

"I knew it. I love your accent." I only smiled not knowing what to say. "So..." Damn it was awkward. I hate those kind of moment.

"Chrissy!" Thanks God Joe came to find me. "Joey?" He said once he saw Joey. did he know him?!

"Oh my God, Joe! What are you doing here?"

"Well, this little friend of mine got into trouble so yeah." He said wrapping my neck while petting my head. "What are you doing?"

"My sister broke her leg, I'm not sure how. Since when did you get here? Why didn't you tell me? And is Zoe here?" He said popping his eyes. Is he like Zoe's ex or something? Why haven't I heard of him?

"No. She just got back to UK this morning. She'll be jealous once I tell her I met you though." Okay I'm totally left out.

Joey got his phone out. "So let's make her." He opened his Instagram app and was ready to take a picture with Joe. "Oh wait." He pulled me closer to them and then there I was between those two hot guys. Be jealous. Be very jealous. He posted it with a caption 'bumped into this beautiful girl named Chrissy who turned to be @joe_sugg's friend! Small world, really. Wish you stayed longer @zozeeboo :('. "Guys, I think I'm gonna go. Nice meeting you though, Chrissy. And next time you're visiting my country, tell me!" He yelled and we all laughed.

"Thank you for the hand, by the way." I said before he left. He smiled and winked at me and now really left.

"You like him, don't you?" Joe whispered on my ear. I looked at him and chuckled.

"Of course not. I just met him. But he looks like someone who could make a nice best friend though." I saw Joe rolling his eyes. "After Joe Sugg, obviously." I cheered him and hugged him tightly. He smiled and hugged me back.

"Let's go back to your room before you meet more boys." I laughed and we walked to my room.


It's been a week since California and Mike things and everything. I was back in London. I rarely saw Joe home since we got back. He's been...ignoring me? I'm not sure. But even when we saw each other, he acted weird like something's up. I asked Zoe but all she said was "I don't know". But oh trust me she did know.

And for Marcus...I really hadn't seen him since California. Joe said he worried so much about me while I was in the hospital but he hadn't really called or anything.

My nose's getting so much better. I still needed to put the bandage on though but I think for not more than a week left. Yeah, I don't think you care much about it.

"Eh...Chrissy, do you want to take a walk outside?" Joe finally talked to me. He looked serious. I turned my head to Zoe but she just raised her shoulders.

"Erm sure. I'll go grab my phone first." I told Joe. He nodded. I ran to my room to grab my phone then went back to Joe.

We kept walking aimlessly. I don't even know where he was taking me to.

"Joe, where are we going?" I asked him.

"Eh...can I...say something?" I turned my head to him waiting for him to really tell me that something. "Chrissy, I..." He was about to tell me but then I saw someone that changed everything and I cut him off.

"Wait. Is that..." I pointed at a couple, a guy and a girl walking from the other way. I didn't think I had ever seen the girl before. They're getting closer. I didn't have time to walk away. They had seen us. It was too late.

"Hey, guys..." He greeted us weirdly. Shoot me now.


Cliffhanger times two! Haha sorry, guys. I had to.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed it andddd vote because you're awesome!

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