Tender Kisses

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I was met my consciousness and an almost irritating constant beeping ringing in my left ear. If I strained my hearing, which seemed to be my only working sense, I could make out echoed voices, muffled and quiet as they must have been from outside the room I laid in. I couldn’t move a single muscle in my body, couldn’t even open my eyes, but I could feel the soft sheets surrounding my body. I knew I was in a hospital bed, and I hadn’t felt such joy for countless years.

I lay comfortably as my thoughts waved in and out of consciousness until it was just a strange slur in my mind, until one voice became distinctively clear.
“When will she wake up?” The voice was calm yet worried, and reasonably close to where I lay. I listened, fairly sure I was no longer dreaming and was experiencing reality.
“I’m not sure, for all we know, she could be awake now” There was silence and I waited until a hand held mine softly, a strong scent of coffee followed soon after.  
“If you can hear me, you’re safe. You are in the hospital and you’re going to be better soon. We will be here when you wake up” His velvety voice resembled safety and lovingness. It reminded me of my mother tucking me in to bed at night when I was a child. The scent got stronger and suddenly I felt a pair of warm and slightly damp lips lightly kiss my forehead.
“Sweet dreams” I fell asleep after a matter of seconds.

Every day that same mysterious voice would introduce itself and inform me of what day it was and my situation. He told me a little bit about himself, and would sometimes read me stories which I enjoyed. Other times he would just sit there holding my hand and I was sure he had fallen asleep. I liked it none the less. He had this calming and patient nature, and I would get excited each time the doctor allowed him in the room. I also found out about my physical state. I had many broken bones, starved body and a few fractures here and there. The boy would keep me informed and I appreciated that greatly. I just wished I could open my eyes and see him as I currently only had my imagination to help me with what he looked like.

I wanted to open my eyes and I wanted to get out of that bed.

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