First Sight

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Darcy’s P.O.V

Leaving the hospital doors had a feeling similar to having shackles restraining you removed. It felt like a new beginning, a new life I wanted to explore, a life full of adventures, and I was ready.
“My car is over here!” Phil shouted from a fair distance ahead of me as I followed him through the car park, and eventually I met him at his small blue car.

“You can sit here” Phil suggested kindly and opened the front door of his car, helping me in and being careful not hurt me in any way. I thanked him as he shut the door and retreated to the driver’s side of the car. I waited as he opened his door, placing his bag in the back before sitting.

“Your medicine is in the back. The doctor suggested you take another painkiller in a few hours” I nodded and thanked Phil. Truthfully speaking, I would still be in that hospital if it weren’t for him. In fact, I may still be on the side of the road begging people for help. Phil really was my knight in shining armour, I owed him everything.

The engine started and I felt the car rumble beneath my seat. I giggled, I hadn’t been a car in so long and it was a strange feeling. Phil skilfully reversed out of his spot and drove towards the main road. I was practically on the edge of my seat the whole trip back as everything was so exciting and it felt like being in another country, and at times it was like being on a rollercoaster.

“Nearly there” Phil assured me after a trip of just over fifteen minutes. We pulled up to the sidewalk and I looked up at the bright multi story house. Phil had told me about the man who lived in the apartment below him and Phil, I didn’t particularly want to meet him if I was being honest.

“I’ll help you out, wait there” Phil assured me and got out of his seat,  grabbing his bag from the back and shutting his door before continued his way over too me. The door opened and I felt the familiar wave of fresh air hit me, a smile tugging the corners of my lips upwards.
Phil held both my hand and elbow, helping me out of the car slowly. I had to admit, I was feeling a bit stiff today as I had been taking advantage of my physical abilities a bit much despite knowing I should have been making it easy.

“I can help you up the stairs if you need me to” Phil offered but I shook my head, walking ahead of him towards the front door. We stepped inside after Phil had unlocked the door, and I suddenly felt nervous, my heart thumping against my ribcage. I was tangled in a mix of excitement and worry.
“Dan might still be asleep or something so I apologise on his behalf if he is a bit grouchy or has bed hair” I chuckled, it was past twelve. We made our way up the stairs and I admired the hand railing, becoming very nervous and trying to distract myself with small features of the house.

I already had an idea of what Dan would be like. In my head I imagined a fairly large sized man who ate a tonne of food and was pale due to never going outside, however, Phil may have been exaggerating certain aspects of his personality to lead me to that assumption.

As the front door creaked open, I was met by a very lovely apartment. The walls were white and everything looked so bright and cheerful. Much of their furniture was multi-coloured, every wall decorated with bright pictures in frames. They had a couch, a beanbag, a HUGE TV and tonnes of movies stacked into a bookshelf, not to mention all the gaming equipment laying messily on the floor.

“So this is our living room and obviously the kitchen” I hadn’t realised till now that my mouth was gaping open. I was expecting a tiny and messy boy’s apartment, not a beautiful and mostly tidy home like this. Phil chuckled at my reaction and grabbed my hand, dragging me down into the hallway. He opened one door and showed me the bathroom and beside it the toilet. He then pointed at Dan’s door and after that showed me his own bedroom. Everything was so perfect, so modern in comparison to the budget orphanage and a concrete room

“Down here is where our computer is. There is a fold out bed couch thingy which you can sleep on. The cupboard on the left is where you can put your clothes” I thanked him profusely and Phil placed my box of items on the desk.

“I will make us some tea, you get settled in” he said and left the room, giving me some time to process everything. I had a bedroom, I had food and safety and I had a best friend. I had everything I ever wanted and more during the last four years. I was living that perfect life now that I thought never existed since I was kidnapped, even since my parents had died. I felt like I was dreaming, like I would wake up to find myself in that damn concrete room again. But yet, it was all real, and I couldn’t have been happier.

As I opened my box to get my small amount of things out, I heard footsteps and at the door appeared what must have been Dan. I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach immediately as I stared up at the godlike creature. He was nothing like I had imagined. His fringe was a bit thicker Phil’s, though it was curly and not arranged properly. His skin was also slightly tanned golden, and his eyes chestnut brown like described. He was certainly not large at all, in fact, he was probably just a tiny bit bigger than Phil. I felt like I was staring at a celebrity or a model, he was unbelievably attractive. Before I could even introduce myself, he turned on his heel and walked back down the hallway.

“Phil, why is there some RANDOM GIRL in my OFFICE?” I listened carefully for Phil’s response, unsure of how I should be reacting to what Dan had just said. He seemed extremely upset, and I began to worry whether I would be allowed to stay at their apartment anymore.
“She is living with us now” he responded. I heard a loud thud then Dan screamed again.
“WHEN DID YOU ASK ME IF SHE COULD SAY?” There was no response for a few seconds and I realised in that time that Phil mustn’t’ve asked him for permission.
“She has nowhere else Dan! I already told you about her past and even you said it was sad, I’m not leaving her to fend for herself after what has happened!” Dan groaned.
“You idiot, what if she never leaves?” Phil didn’t answer.
“Two weeks tops Phil, she must be gone by then” I heard Phil mutter a small yes and my heart sunk in my chest. Only two weeks and I would have to be alone again, only two weeks left with Phil.
“I’m sorry Dan…”I heard Phil say softly. I bit my lip, hoping this whole ordeal did not affect their friendship.
“It’s fine…”  I let out a sigh and their conversation went back to normal chatter. I sat on the edge of the couch and thought things over. Dan seemed to not like me very much, yet I found him utterly gorgeous. If it weren’t for his attitude towards me, I swear I would have fallen for him right then and there.
I heard Phil walking back down the hallway so I quickly grabbed my paintings and pretended to be arranging them on the floor. Phil walked in and placed a hot mug of tea on the small table beside me. I smiled up at him.
“Did you hear us talking before?” I didn’t want to cause Phil anymore stress so I shook my head. His facials seemed to relax, and he sat beside me. I reached over for my mug and took a long sip. Phil made great tea, he would often bring me a thermos with a straw to sip on when I couldn’t move my hands in the hospital. He really did take care of me well and I couldn’t help but feel guilty as I had basically intruded his life and now he would be spending time and money on some random girl who in the end, would only be staying with him for two weeks. It made no sense, but I was willing and determined to pay him back.

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