Right Next To Me

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Right Next To Me

Darcy's P.O.V

Just talking to Dan caused my belly to fill with butterflies. All I could do was admire him and pray that I wasn't annoying him in any way. I never wanted to be hurt by him anymore because I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it. My feelings for him just kept growing and growing and I couldn't stop them. But I didn't love him ,did I? Was that even possible? I hadn't experience love in so long that I could have been mistaking my feelings all along. None the less, I found myself asking the question a lot. Could I love Dan? My saviours best friend? By ex-bully? Seemed so weird to me...

"I think that tonight's show was quite good" Dan admitted proudly, finishing a slice of pizza from earlier.

"The callers were great!" Phil said and took Dan's plate, placing it in the dishwasher beside mine and his.

"You should come with us next time, yeah?" Dan asked and I shrugged. The thought of thousands of people watching me scared me a bit. It only struck me now that the kidnapper could see me and find where we lived. I pushed the thoughts aside, though they still lingered at the back of my mind. Some things, no matter what the circumstances, never left your head and you just had to learn to ignore them no matter how strong they are.

"Hey, let's watch a movie" Phil said as he wandered over to their dvd collection. I joined him and scanned the titles, trying to recognise any.

"THE LION KING!" I basically shouted and grabbed the dvd, admiring it.

"Sure" Dan laughed and I passed the case to him, allowing him to bend down and put the disk into the slot. I made my place on the couch after closing the blinds and grabbing the couch blanket that was always handy.

Soon the title screen came up and I found myself mesmerised by the song that played. Phil and I danced to it whilst we waited for Dan to grab the remote and sit himself beside me.

"Ready?" He asked. I giggled and nodded, more excited then I should have been.

The movie started and I quickly placed the blanket over Dan and I, Phil being snuggled up on the other couch. I stared at the screen, hardly blinking. Everything was just as I remembered from when I watched the film with my parents. All the songs and all the memories. What made it even more special was I was now watching it with my new family. My brothers, well calling Dan a brother would be odd, but it was true. Also, the heat radiating off his body from under the blanket was so lovely and I could smell him. I sound like a creep but it was true. He smelt like men's deodorant, coffee and my favourite, just Dan. You know when you go into someone's house and it smells different, like them? Well Dan smelt like Dan and I loved that.

"God, this bit always makes me cry..." Dan admitted, watching the screen as intently as I was. I was however distracted, my eyes now fixed on Dan whose eyes were slightly watery. The lighting made him look tanned, which he was, for a person that barely went outside unless it was for food. I turned my attention back to the TV , now becoming emotional myself.

Dan's P.O.V

The credits started rolling on the screen and I smiled over at Darcy who I hadn't noticed till now was asleep. Her eyes shut, chest rising and falling slowly. Phil had left halfway through the film, complaining he could hardly keep his eyes open. I got up and stretched before leaning down and placing my arms under Darcy's body. I lifted her up, the blanket still covering her ,and carried her carefully to her bedroom. Once she was in her bed I stood beside her, just admiring. Everything about her was beautiful, just perfect.

"Goodnight" I whispered and kissed her forehead, earning her to breath out heavily through her nose in her sleep. I chuckled and left her room, going back to mine.

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