Winter Walk

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Darcy's P.O.V 

After the amazing breakfast, and a morning full of hugs and laughing, Dan and I decided on going for a walk in the park. Phil insisted we go without him, saying he had some things to do. I wasn't complaining though, I loved spending time alone with Dan.  

We took the elevator down, and soon we were leaving the doors of the building where the security guard waved at us. 

"I want to take lots of pictures because now I have art stuff, I can paint things" I exclaimed and Dan nodded, a smile planted on his face.  

"Sounds good" He answered and rubbed his hands together. 

"How are you NOT cold" He said and I chuckled at his expression. Though, the answer wasn't very appropriate. After spending 4 years in a freezing concrete room, you get used to the cold. But I couldn't tell Dan that so instead I just shrugged, pretending I didn't know why. 

"I guess I just love winter so the cold doesn't bother me" I admitted and looked down, watching each of my steps.  

"I'm the opposite, but I hate it when the weather is boiling hot too" I nodded and Dan shifted closer to me, holding his hand out to connect with mine. I happily obliged, placing my hand in his. They fitted perfectly together, his hand almost holding mine protectively. I felt a blush form on my face but it could have been mistaken for the cold weather luckily.  

I followed Dan around the streets before we made it to the park which was mostly empty. We entered the gates, watching the pigeons hobble away. I felt so relaxed and peaceful. I hadn't been to a park in a long time. At the orphanage, we were never taken out and of course, being locked in a room for four years meant no going outside. But I pushed those thought aside and enjoyed the moment. Probably one I would remember for a long time.  

The crisp air nearly froze our bodies as we wondered around, mostly silent. The path we followed would take us beside the pond, into the trees and beside the flower gardens. Dan would point things out and I would take pictures, our hands still intertwined. The sky was cloudy, the sun hidden behind the sheets of grey above us. 

"Look!" Dan exclaimed and pointed to some ducks swimming in the pond. A large willow tree hung over the water, its branches dipping in. Dan stood beside it and I made sure he was included as I took a picture. I already knew that was the one I would paint.  

"Want to sit?" Dan asked, pointing to a love seat by the water's edge. I nodded and we sat down, our hands not parting for even a second. I felt so comfortable around Dan, he was so calm and caring. I knew that my feelings were going crazy but I had to ignore them, nothing was going to happen between us and that was the harsh reality.  

I wasn't surprised when everything became silent, it was too cold for birds to be about, and young children would be at school. Also, most people would probably be at work leaving the place fairly empty. But the wind through the near trees created a quiet whistle, a sound that acted as a lullaby. I closed my eyes for a moment, resting my head on Dan's shoulder. It was perfect.  

I could faintly feel Dan's heartbeat, it was quick and I blamed it on his lack of exercise though I wished it was something else. I wished it was that he had feelings for me, but I knew that wouldn't happen. Ever. 

"I love you" I said, though in this context I made sure it was in a friendly manor rather than the other kind. 

"I love you too" He replied and wrapped his opposite arm around my waist, holding me.  

After nearly an hour just sitting with Dan, I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He was staring down at me, making me blush. 

"My nose is nearly frozen, should we go back now?" Dan nodded and smiled down at me. 

"Sure, we can pick up some Starbucks on the way" I giggled and we stood up. I only realised now our hands had been connected the whole time. I didn't let go, instead just followed Dan back out of the park and towards the nearest Starbucks. We ordered our drinks and drank them whilst we made our way home.  

"We're home!" I shouted after we returned. Phil popped his head out from the couch and waved at us, gesturing to the kitchen bench. We noticed the hot pies waiting for us and it took us no time to eat them, the warmth heating our bodies.  

"Have fun?" Phil questioned as we sat on the couch beside him.  

"Yup" I answered and Dan agreed, scooting closer. We watched the TV but like the other morning, I was focusing more on Dan. The way he was being so gentle with me, like if he did something slightly wrong he would break me. I was like he was trying to fix what he had previously broken, though he already had. It didn't take much because I loved him and I could forgive him so easy.

I luff you <3 

Stay beYOUtiful! 


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