Darkness to Light

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Phil’s P.O.V

I had arrived at the hospital by eight in the morning and this time I hoped to have a conversation with Darcy, I wanted to get to know her more, I didn’t want to just know her case.
“Hello again Phil” The receptionist greeted me and waved me towards Darcy’s room at the end of the tiled hall. I fixed my fringe subconsciously and entered the room, only to see the doctor chatting to Darcy whose eyes were open again. I smiled and sat down on the chair that I had claimed as mine during the past week.
“Morning Phil. Darcy woke up about ten minutes ago, perfect timing.” The doctor waved to Darcy then left the room so we were alone as usual. Darcy’s eyes never left mine and I was glad to see her smile was still there, she was one step closer to talking now.
“Good morning, I see you can move your head better now” I stated, and Darcy blinked, making the corners of my mouth tug upwards.
“So you must be twenty then?” She didn’t respond.
“You don’t know?” She blinked and I was slightly taken back. I inspected the room till I found the doctors papers on the patient. I sneakily read her information and found her birthday was the sixth of September, born in 1991, meaning, she was currently only twenty. I read a little bit more and noticed how long she had been missing for. August 2008- June 2012. This girl had only seen the dark of life since her parent’s death, but not for long. I was one hundred percent ready to give her what she deserved, determined to do whatever it takes to make her happy.
I suddenly realized Darcy was waiting for her age so I turned around and sat back at my chair, leaving the papers on the countertop.
“It’s July now and your birthday is in September meaning you are twenty” Darcy smiled, and I decided to ask some more questions.
“Do you like music” she didn’t respond, I sighed.
“Do you have hobbies” she didn’t respond and it took me a moment to realise she hadn’t been able to listen to music for four years or do anything fun for that amount of time. Someone who would lead her to the physical state she was in wouldn’t have cared about her having fun.
“Sorry, I didn’t really register… you know” I explained guiltily. She lay there expressionless and I felt like I should try something else to brighten the mood.
“You wanna watch TV?” Her eyes suddenly lit up and I chuckled, she probably hadn’t seen a TV in four years either. I grabbed the remote from the table beside her bed and pressed the ‘on’ button. I switched through channels, waiting for one that she fancied. Darcy blinked twice when it landed on the music channel. A My Chemical Romance song was playing and she seemed intrigued by the video, her eyes glued to the screen as soon as I reached that channel. I giggled, Dan would like her.

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