Silly Habits and Shopping Bags

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Darcy’s P.O.V

“HURRY UP PHIL! Your hair is fine” Phil was STILL straightening his hair after goodness knows how long. I was already waiting to go shopping after waiting a few days for all my clothing to arrive in the mail. I still needed everyday items such as toiletries, though Phil had bought me some basic things when he went shopping.

“Okay okay I’m done! Now let me see your clothes” Phil said as he walked down the hallway, struggling to zip his hoodie. Once it was successfully zipped, he fixed his hair and gazed up at me.

“You look amazing!” He exclaimed and I span around once giggling as the dress I wore flared outwards.

“Let’s go now please” I ordered politely, not wanting to waste any more time. Phil agreed and it wasn’t long till we were out the door and in the car, driving off.

“I have a list of things I need, I am getting them with my money” Phil nodded, knowing even if he did pay I would end up giving him the money in the future.

“I think if we just go to the main shopping mall we will find everything” As Phil drove us through London, I listened intently to the radio. I loved music, it was one of my biggest inspirations for painting, and I would always have my CD’s playing when I painted. It was another form of escapism and when combined with art, was double as effective.

“Hey Phil? Is there an art store where we are going?” Phil shrugged, I got the gist he or Dan weren’t particularly artistic people. Creative, but not artistic.

“We’re here” Phil announced as we pulled into a car park outside a massive mall. I placed my phone and card which I was holding in my hand into my pocket. They would certainly be needed.  I got out of the car and watched Phil who was taking his time putting his backpack on. I couldn’t help but laugh as he fixed his hair yet AGAIN. It was a silly habit that I found strangely amusing.

“Adventure awaits!” He yelled and hand in hand we walked into the mall giggling.

We entered shop after shop, scanning isles and picking items off shelves, gradually carrying more and more bags as we made our way through majority of the mall. It had been about a few hours and my legs were aching, I needed to take a break.

“Can we sit down for a minute Phil?” I asked. Phil walked me over to a small bench outside a jewellery shop and took the bags I was carrying out of my hands, placing them carefully on the floor beside me. I sat down and stretched my legs out, twisting my ankles around a few times to loosen my tense muscles.

By that point we had gotten toiletries, some books, a few picture frames for my favourite pictures, jewellery, stationary, an umbrella, sunglasses, an iPhone case, a bag, wallet and many other random items that I would require. Phil had helped me get some cash out of a machine for small things and future usage.

“Are we done?” Phil asked as he sat beside me, I thought for a moment. We had gotten everything I thought was needed but I still wanted to go to an art shop. As I was about to speak, my body suddenly ached even more and I knew I shouldn’t push myself any further that day.  

“Yeah, let’s head home” With help from Phil, we managed to carry my bags back to the car and place them in the backseat.

“Thanks Phil” I said, he smiled over at me.

“It’s fine, I’m just helping you get what you deserve”

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