Good Morning

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Darcy's P.O.V

As I opened my eyes, it didn't take long for last night's drama to reply in my mind. The movie, the nightmare then Dan. And I would be lying if I said I didn't like waking up in Dan's bed, though not in an inappropriate way. It just felt like something I would like to wake up to every morning although I knew that was not possible. However, I was making the most of what time I still had wrapped up in Dan's blankets. His body so close to mine that my heart filled with butterflies. Was I dreaming? Everything just felt so perfect, so... right. As cheesy as I sound it was true. Nothing could compare to the happiness and relaxation I was feeling.

After a few moments I stopped internally screaming and instead decided to turn over as I was getting uncomfortable in my current position. Slowly I propped myself up using my arms and rested my body down on my other side, facing Dan. I didn't want to wake him and I was relieved as I noticed his eyes were still shut, hair falling perfecting over his face. I noticed his dimples and how they added to his perfection, and I examined his pierced ears which was another feature I quite liked. My heart was throbbing uncontrollably as I stared at him in complete awe.

Was this love? Where these feelings that I had been experiencing for so long really love? Because it really felt like it. I just wanted to hold him and talk to him. I felt lonely when he was out, or even just down the hall. Every moment I spent with him I cherished and kept it close to my heart. Every time he looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes of his I would melt. Every single thing about him was just perfect to me and he was all I wanted. I was acting selfish but it didn't matter to me because I was in love. I could honestly admit that to myself that I, Darcy Thompson, was in love with Daniel James Howell. The boy who broke me but very quickly healed me. The irresistible boy that I would die for because he suddenly meant so much more to me than before.

Suddenly his eyes opened and I had to hold back my gasp.

"Dan, how long have you been awake?" I asked, slightly embarrassed that he may have just woken up to me staring at him. Dan's dimples appeared in a smile that took my breath away.

"About twenty minutes" He said, his morning voice husky and deep. I felt my cheeks burn and Dan chuckled. I looked away and couldn't hold back my own giggles.

"You egg..." I said and Dan laughed again, shaking the bed slightly. I thought for a moment, I didn't really want to get up but I was fully awake and had no excuse to still be in Dan's bed. Before I had to make any drastic decisions, Dan spoke.

"I'm too lazy to get up, wanna just watch something on my laptop?" He asked. I felt relieved, I was far too happy in my current position and moving wasn't something I was hoping for. I nodded and as Dan reached over to grab his laptop from the bedside table his chest exposed and my cheeks turned red again. I waited a few moments and once Dan had sat up, placing the laptop in his lap I did the same. Our arms were touching, his warm and bare, mine covered. I tried ignoring it, concentrating on the screen of Dan's laptop flick on and load. He typed in his password, not caring the slightest bit that I could have seen it. And little things like that just made me smile, made me feel like a princess, though in Dan's mind it probably meant nothing. He probably just brushed it off as something normal where as I was dying in happiness and joy.

Dan loaded some cartoon, the same one I often found him watching on the TV. Some boy with a white hat and a yellow dog which talked to him. I would be lying if I said I was actually paying attention though, I was instead just hypnotised in the moment. Dumbfounded at how magical everything was to me though in reality it was just two friends watching a cartoon. Funny how our minds work really....

Dan giggled at something and I forced my eyes back to the screen, still having no idea what was happening. A pink female cartoon was now talking with the boy who I believe was called Finn or something like that. I continued watching, getting unbelievably confused at the absolute randomness it contained. I could see why some people found it entertaining though I was just too distracted.

After what seemed like seconds was actually half an hour and a cute theme song started playing. Dan exited off the screen and looked over at me. I raised an eyebrow expecting him to say something but he just shook his head and smiled.

"You weren't really watching it were you?" I made a face.

"Yeah not really..." He just laughed and put his laptop aside, luckily not offended.

"It took a while before I started liking it too, but Phil got me hooked" I watched him fix his hair, brushing it around with his fingers before smoothing it across his forehead. His hair wasn't as long as Phil's and neither as dark but it still made me smile. And I liked that.

"Well... we should probably get breakfast" Dan asked. Of course I didn't want to get up but if it meant still being with him I was ready to do anything. I just wanted to stay with him forever.

"Yeah sure" I answered and soon we were out of Dan's bed. I noticed he was only in boxers and turned away, blushing again. He placed some clothes on and after a few moments we were walking side by side down the hallway to the kitchen. My long sleeved pyjamas were slightly too big, the leg sleeves dragging along the floor with every step.

We made toast and ate whilst watching TV, dropping crumbs all over the couch but that didn't matter. It was fun, just to spend time with Dan and not to be worrying about anything. Of course there were a few big problems in my life but they didn't matter.

I was happy.

I luff you

Stay beYOUtiful!!!


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