Forehead Kisses

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Dan's P.O.V

I could often hear Darcy crying at night and Phil comforting her, but my temper just kept progressively increasing .Each time he would do something for her, buy something for her or even talk to her, I felt like ripping my hair out in anger. It was only a matter of time before they would get together and I didn't even want to consider what would happen then. She was taking over our lives enough as it was, and she was just using Phil.

Phil had gone to do the radio show, getting someone else to fill in for me as I was still on his bad side. I had rung them up saying I was sick and not in the right state as an excuse, Phil didn't bother telling them otherwise.

I sat in my room on my laptop as usual, my mind deep in the gutters. I found myself plotting any possible way to get rid of Darcy, any way that would get her to leave and never come back. But I was interrupted from my thoughts as the phone rang. I knew I would have to answer it, so I got up from my bed, placing my laptop beside me when the ringing suddenly stopped and I heard Darcy's voice.

"Hello? Uh no he is not here at the moment sorry, but I can leave a message for you?" I pushed my door open violently and strode down the hall. Darcy continued speaking into the phone and as I reached the kitchen she placed it down. As soon as she saw me she looked down and tried walking away but I grabbed her arm roughly and held it tight.
"Dan please let me go, that hurts" She asked but I wasn't having any of it.
"Why the hell did you just answer the phone? THIS ISNT YOUR HOUSE! Just because Phil is letting you stay here doesn't mean you have control over everything!" I shouted and Darcy didn't say anything. I gripped her tighter and she flinched as I pressed my fingers into her skin. Suddenly I burst, I couldn't stand her anymore.

"Okay" She said and I let her go. She shuffled away without another word, heading for what I assumed would be her bedroom. I huffed and decided to go back into my room, certain she had gotten the message by now.
My walking slowed as the humanity seemed to seep back into me, the anger and aggressiveness subsiding. I replayed the Darcy's reaction in my head, hearing the bathroom door slam shut.

'Okay?' What was that supposed to mean? Was she actually leaving? My eyes suddenly widened as realisation hit be like a ton of bricks 'go kill yourself, we couldn't care less'. I raced towards the bathroom, pounding my fists on the door as loudly as possible.
"DARCY NO! STOP I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT! DARCY PLEASE!" My heart was racing. What have I done? WHAT HAVE I DONE! I ignored the tears blurring my vision and in one big push, I knocked the door open. Lying on the tiles was motionless Darcy, an empty pill bottle in her hand.

"Darcy... no... NO! Darcy, SPEAK TO ME! Please! Oh god" I sobbed as I fell onto the ground and held her pale head in my lap. Her eyes were shut and body completely limp. Suddenly it was as if the sky was cleared of its grey clouds, and I realised so suddenly how my hatred was based off pure jealousy, not of Phil, but of Darcy. My sobbing became more violent as I shook Darcy's limp body, attempting to regain the life in her.

After minutes of failed attempts, I gave up. Darcy was gone, the woman who I couldn't stand seeing with someone else, the beautiful woman who I wanted for nobody but me.

The beautiful Darcy Thompson.

"No!" I yelled and shot up in my bed. My sweaty fringe was splayed messily across my forehead as I panted frantically. It was all a dream, a nightmare. Darcy... I didn't hate her... I was simply jealous of Phil. I wanted her all to myself, wished I had been the one supporting her at the hospital. I quickly shoved aside my messy duvet and stood up. Within seconds I was sprinting down the hall to her room as if my life depended on it, or rather hers. I got to the door and didn't hesitate to swing it open. Darcy span around and eyes widened dramatically as my presence was acknowledged.
"PLEASE DON'T HURT ME" She screamed, my heart aching from the terror in her voice.

I rushed over to her, noticing her hands rising to cover her face as protection. She flinched as I wrapped my arms around her, attempting not to place all my weight on her petite body. After a second of her realising I was not going to hurt her, she suddenly relaxed and I hadn't noticed till now that my eyes were leaking tears and I was producing small sobs in Darcy's neck , her hair tickling the side of my face.
"I'm so sorry, Darcy I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, Darcy I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Darcy I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I managed to croak out between my loud sobbing. Suddenly Darcy lifted her arms and looped them around my torso.

Darcy's P.O.V

I must be dreaming, Daniel James Howell is hugging me.

"I don't understand..." I asked, absolutely astounded by what had occurred in the last few seconds of my life, unable to fathom what this all meant.

"For everything! I'm sorry, Darcy, I'm so so-"I cut him off abruptly, stopping him from rambling on again.
"I forgive you" I said and stood back, our arms not moving from each other's sides as we stared into each other's eyes. Dan sent be a look of almost disbelief, shocked that I was forgiving him after all he had done and what pain he had caused me.

"Are you serious?" He asked, his grip on my waist tightening for a quick second. I nodded in response, a small smile tugging up the corners of my mouth.

"Of course I forgive you" I assured him, feeling myself blush from his constant stare upon my face.

"DAN WHAT ARE YOU-" Phil shouted as he ran into the room, clothed only by a towel and fringe dripping with bubbly water as he must have quickly left his shower.
"Oh..." He simply said and giggled when he noticed our position together.
"It's fine Phil" I assured him and he walked backwards out of the room. Dan and I chuckled then went back to facing each other.

"Dan, why did you hate me? What did I do?" His expression changed and I bit my lip as I waited for an answer, scared of what he would say.
"I was just...I mean, I don't know. Suddenly my best friend comes home with some girl. He was all I had and I thought you would take him away from me and I would be left alone. Phil does everything around here and I couldn't live without him. You were so perfect in his eyes, I was so worried" he explained, his eyes full of sincerity and regret.

"Dan... Phil is my big brother! I couldn't take him away from you, we aren't in a relationship and we never will be! I never meant to take over, I just don't have anyone except for him" I assured him. Dan looked down at his feet then pulled me slightly closer.
"Okay" He mumbled and looked back into my eyes.

Dan's P.O.V

Her eyes which I had only seen in pain were suddenly sparkling. Her beauty blinded me and absentmindedly, I wanted to kiss her. I was so tempted but I realised it was so wrong. She still hated me, after all, I had hurt her so many times for such stupid reasons. I resisted kissing her on the lips, but instead I placed my lips on her forehead.

"You're beautiful" I whispered quietly but loud enough that Darcy could hear.

"You're amazing and I'm sorry, I will make it up to you. I will make EVERYTHING up to you I promise!"

She smiled softly, shaking her head lightly as if to try assure me that I hadn't need to do anything but I had to, I wanted to.

God I loved her.

{authors note: yes I'm aware this totally went from 0-100. I wrote this when I was fucking 12. Please stop getting pissed off}

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