I Didn't Deserve This

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Dan’s P.O.V

I slammed my door shut behind me, not caring if I woke Darcy or Phil. I was pissed. My anger got the better of me and I slammed my fists onto the back of my bedroom door. Everything was going wrong. Darcy wouldn’t leave, Phil and her were cuddling and getting all romantic and they probably saw my fight with that girl. I didn’t even know her name but she had promised to help continue my plan of getting rid of Darcy. But nothing was working and I knew I had to act fast before Phil and her were marrying and taking a fucking honeymoon to Hawaii. My best friend was NOT being taken from me by a selfish girl.

It had been a couple of hours since the incident and I heard the front door opening, Phil and Darcy arriving home from probably going out for breakfast. My blinds were closed and my small lamp lit the room up, turning everything orange. I was also hot and sweaty from my laptop burning my lap but I didn’t move it. I had to keep myself distracted because I didn’t know WHAT would happen if I thought too much about Darcy too much.

There was a knock at my door but I didn’t respond. I kept my eyes glued on the bright screen before me.

“Dan?” I heard Phil ask quietly as he opened my door.

“It’s so stuffy in here, you should open your blinds and a window” Phil scolded like my mother as he stood at the door. I shrugged, not caring at all.

“Look Dan. I don’t know WHAT has gotten into you! Darcy hasn’t done a SINGLE thing wrong! If you keep acting like this and ignoring her you may cause some serious trouble!” I just rolled my eyes. Phil only ever raised his voice when it was important but he wouldn’t understand.

“Don’t ignore me! I’m your best friend and I know that you’re listening! I also know that you have never brought a girl over into our apartment like last night before, and you kept us up for hours!” Phil clearly wasn’t going to leave until I talked so I huffed and looked away from my laptop.

“You don’t understand Phil!” I shouted, Phil just shook his head.

“I do, you’re being ignorant and childish, not to mention selfish and stupid. Tell me what I have done wrong!” This time I shook my head.

“It’s not you Phil, It’s Darcy!” Phil’s expression went from anger to hurt in just seconds.

“She has done NOTHING wrong! In fact, you’re the only one doing wrong!” Phil stared at me through his fringe as I tried to come up with something to spit back at him but my mind went blank and instead all I could manage was a small whimper. This was Phil and I’s first major fight and I didn’t like where it was going.

“Exactly, there is NO reason for any of this! Okay?” I just looked back at the laptop, trying to block out Phil’s presence.

“Fine. But when you decide to come out of this room, it better be an apology or explanation.” Phil muttered and then closed the door behind him as he left. I kept replaying Phil’s words in my head. ‘Ignorant and childish. Selfish and Stupid’ I was the one trying to save our relationship but Phil was too focused on Darcy. Darcy Darcy Darcy. The perfect little angel. I knew she wasn’t, she just wanted Phil and all the money and radio fame attached. She was an annoying little bitch and certainly didn’t deserve any of our attention. I wished she didn’t exist. I wished she could have died on that street. I wish Phil had never seen her.

I closed my eyes and felt tears streaming down my cheeks, everything was going wrong.

I just wanted times to go back to normal. Just Phil and I.

Darcy’s P.O.V

“It’s not you Phil, It’s Darcy!” I heard Dan yell. I was standing in the hallway listening to their conversation but when it got to that point I left and walked back to my bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I hadn’t done anything to deserve this.

After a few minutes, Phil knocked on the door and came in, apologising and hugging me. But as soon as he left, I started bawling my eyes out. My life was a mess.

I started listening to the music I had downloading, appreciating that it could distract me so easily and take me to another universe.

~the next day~

Phil told me Dan hadn’t left his room once since yesterday. Apparently He hadn’t eaten dinner, breakfast or lunch either and at 5pm, he still hadn’t left his room.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come? You will be alone with Dan” I nodded. Phil needed to get a haircut and I decided to stay home. I hadn’t showered or changed and if I locked the bathroom door, Dan couldn’t get to me.

“Yeah, I’ll be in the bathroom showering anyways, besides, Dan wouldn’t do anything anyways besides ignore me” I joked, though in my mind I knew that was far from true. Dan would most certainly pick another fight with me, and much like each other time, Phil would never find out.

“Alright, call me if you need anything” I smiled and Phil left, leaving me alone with Dan. I wanted to get to the bathroom as quick as possible so I jogged to my room, grabbed some clothes and went to the cupboard to collect some towels. As I shut the door, I was met by a dark figure. Pale skin, long fringe and black eyes, standing directly in front of me. I yelped and stepped back slowly like in a horror movie. Dan was walking towards me at a fast pace, his posture showing complete and utter dominance.

“I HATE YOU!” He yelled and lunged at me, punching me hard in the ribs. I cried out and fell to the floor, sobbing as Dan towered over me like he had a couple of days ago.

“You have ruined EVERYTHING!” He shouted and kicked me in the stomach. I screamed and my sobbing got louder. My vision was blurry and I hoped Dan had achieved what he wanted, though my prayers were denied as he reached forward and pulled me up by my hair.

“ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! Phil and I are on the edge of no longer even being friends, ALL BECAUSE YOU ARE A SELFISH BITCH!” He yelled and he finally dropped me, throwing me onto the wall and watching as I lay, sobbing in pain.

“I-I’m sorry” I cried and I heard Dan’s door slam shut. I wiped my tears away and noticed Dan was gone. It was over. I bit my lip as the pain in my head, stomach and ribs got worse. I needed to get in the shower.

I placed both my shaking arms on the wall and lifted myself up, groaning as my body throbbed. I next picked up my things and carried myself to the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it frantically.

Why did all this have to happen to me?

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