Sleeping Beauty

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Dan's P.O.V

As the ambulance took Darcy away, I found myself completely gobsmacked and horrified, let alone angry and confused. In a matter of minutes, the girl I loved was taken away from me and I couldn't change that. The doctor had explained that two of these fits is un-usual, another one could be permanently damaging.

"It's alright Dan, we will see her soon. And when we do, she will be better than ever and she will be happy" Phil tried cheering me up but we both knew this was going to be hard. We were allowed to see her, but only behind a glass window. She wasn't allowed to see us, not for a while.

~The next day~

I shifted in bed and rolled onto my other side, opening my eyes with a smile and opening my mouth to say good morning to Darcy, but she wasn't there.

She was at the mental hospital, and I already missed her to the point of my heart hurting.

I needed to see her.

So after having a quick bit of breakfast and showering, I informed Phil of where I was going and he agreed to let me use his car. I had gotten a licence years ago, but never used it since. Phil was the one who would drive us around.

"Cya later, I might come in with some lunch" I thanked Phil and left the apartment, driving to the hospital impatiently but eagerly.

"I.D sir" The lady at the reception of the building asked. I pulled out my wallet and showed her what she needed before asking to see Darcy Thompson. She nodded and led me to a dark room beside another.

"Dr Hodgons" I announced as I saw him watching Darcy through a glass window much like the ones in police stations when interviewing criminals. The doctor greeted me with a handshake before pointing to a seat beside him, I sat down and looked up at the window.


There was my beautiful Darcy lying asleep on her bed. The whole room was white except for the black duvet on the tiny bed and the black desk on the opposite wall.

"How is she?" I asked, wanting answers immediately.

"She hasn't woken up since we drugged her, her brain must be very tired. We have a camera installed in the top corner of the room and we will be checking the footage every morning. But Daniel, I wouldn't get your hopes up that this will be quick and easy. Some patients like Darcy need weeks, or even months to recover. We also don't know what to expect when she wakes up, she could be back to normal or utterly oblivious. We have to be careful, any slight trigger and her mental state could be severely harmed" I listened carefully but the idea of not being able to be with Darcy for months broke my heart. It had only been a day, I didn't think I could last any more than I had.

"What do you mean 'completely oblivious'" I asked, my eyes wandering back to unconscious Darcy.

"I mean, there is a chance she might have amnesia, we can't be sure" I nodded and tried to contain the sadness I was feeling. Why Darcy? She never did anything bad and now all these terrible things were happening to her.

"Where is Philip might I ask" The doctor said and raised an eyebrow, he hasn't spent that much time with me except for the day before and when Darcy had her first 'fit'. Apparently in the hospital, Phil and the doctor would talk a lot and I guess he hasn't had a chance recently.

"At home, he said he might come with some lunch later on" I explained and the doctor rambled on but to be honest, I wasn't really listening. My attention was diverted towards Darcy. This all happened so fast. Why hadn't I taken her to the doctor when she was feeling uneasy before the court meeting? She wouldn't have had to of gone through any of this and everything would have gone smoothly. That fucking idiot who kidnapped my Darcy would have been imprisoned and things would be perfect.

"Dan? Dan are you listening?" The doctor asked and I snapped out of my daze.

"What? Oh, sorry I was just thinking" I explained and the chuckled lightly before turning on his chair and paying attention to the dimly lit papers on the desk behind us.

"You can go if you like, I will call you if anything happens" The doctor suggested, I had given him my number yesterday in case of an emergency. But I didn't indent on leaving, not when Darcy could wake up at any moment. I couldn't miss anything, I just needed to know if she was okay.

"No, I think I'll stay here if that is alright with you?" I asked, the doctor nodded and continued his work.

So I sat.

And I waited.

And I grew impatient as the hours passed, watching Darcy like a blank TV.

Eventually Phil came in with some sandwiches and coke but I think he wanted to leave soon enough.

"Dan, she might not wake up till tomorrow, come, it's already two in the afternoon" But I didn't want to leave, I would just sit on the couch sulking if I did, so I told him to leave without me.

"Take the car if you want, I can go back on the tube" I insisted but Phil was right when he pointed out I may be there till the evening and I shouldn't go home on the tube at night, who knows what could happen.

"True, I'll see you later then" I said and Phil left, but not before reminding me to read his texts.

So I was waiting again.

Another hour.

Another hour.

And soon enough I could hardly keep my eyes open, doctor Hodgons had left and Darcy was still in a deep sleep. She could be for a while, I should just go home I thought. But I had to stay there. Darcy might wake up any second now. I couldn't miss it.

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