First Smile

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It had been over a week and I was growing tired of lying in a hospital bed. One particular evening in which I was being reading another story by my daily visitor, I used all my strength and opened my eyes. It wasn’t too bright, the room dimly illuminated by the lamp in the corner and I examined my surroundings with interest. There was a vase with fresh multi-coloured flowers at the end of my bed, sheets striped white and pale blue. A small window to my left was closed and the door directly in front of me was also shut. I very gently attempted moving my head to face my right and it only hurt a small amount luckily.
“-the two crept silently and-“The boy stopped reading as he looked over at me. After a short moments of realization he bounced out of his seat, throwing the book across the room carelessly. His eyes had widened and he rushed to my side.
“You’re awake! DOCTOR SHE’S AWAKE!” I took in the boys features one by one. He was far from what I had expected, but I found myself intrigued by his appearance. His short dark fringe nearly met his eyes, which had become watery as they stared at me like if he blinked, he would miss something.
“Hello, um…” the boy stared into my eyes in pure amazement.
“You’re eyes are beautiful, I’m so happy to finally see them. I’ve been coming here every day and talking to you, I don’t know if you were awake during any of it but I promise I was here” I wished I could communicate with him, tell him I listened but I was sadly unable. I tried smiling but I couldn’t do that either so I hoped the boy understood my position. He sat a little longer with me, rambling on about things although most of it I had heard from him already. After twenty minutes or so, the doctor barged in the door and strode to the end of my bed, a man in a police uniform following suit. I felt slightly intimidated but I calmed as the doctor spoke.

“Ah, I see you have woken, don’t strain yourself, we have simpler ways of communicating with people in your state. Currently you are in the central London hospital and have been here for approximately a week. On your first night here, we automatically went under minor surgery to start the repairmen of your ribs. Due to the large quantity of injuries you had, we drugged you into a state that mimicked paralysis which I can see has already began to wear off. You have been given appropriate vitamins each day in replacement of food and we are hoping that you will be given proper food within the next few days or week. We understand that the drugs are making you temporarily paralyzed from your neck down so to help communicate with us, blink once for yes and twice for no” He doctor waited for be to blink and I did so, feeling mildly silly and useless as I couldn’t speak. The boy smiled and waved to me.

“Today we will be asking you some basic questions just for a little information about you” I blinked and I heard the boy giggle from beside me. The policeman pulled out a clipboard and pen, flipping a few pages before beginning to ask my questions.
“So firstly, do you know your name?” I blinked once. That was an easy one.
“Good, do you remember what led to you being hospitalised?” Without any hesitation I blinked and the man scribbled down some things on his clip-board.
“Do you know the month or year?” I blinked twice and the man nodded slowly.
“Do you have family that we could contact?” I paused and had to restrain myself from becoming emotional at the mention of my family. I blinked twice, trying to fill my mind with positivity. The policeman nodded and read the next question.
“Were you kidnapped, and had you been released or escaped prior to your hospitalization?” I blinked and heard a short gasp from the boy with the fringe.
“Darcy Thompson? Reported missing by Blossom Valley Orphanage, London, in 2008, aged sixteen. Only child of Maria and Jonathan Thompson who passed in a car accident in 2002? ” I blinked and I watched the boy put his hand over his mouth in shock.
“It is currently June the thirteenth 2012, we are aware of your case and you will be interviewed further with more detail once you have the strength to speak and provide us with information of your kidnapping. Thank you for your time” The policeman then left the room with the doctor, closing the door behind them. The boy sat close to me again and held my hand.
“Four years of being kidnapped, and you’re still alive? You’re strong Darcy” I blinked and the boy chuckled.
“Darcy is such a beautiful name” he announced and smiled down at me. His smile, the first I had seen since the orphanage. All the kids would smile as they played happily together, most of the time I was left alone. But this time, I smiled too.

Phil earned it.

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