Why Should I?

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Darcy’s P.O.V

I felt like Dan’s constant insults when Phil wasn’t around just broke my heart more, and his glares when Phil wasn’t looking only made it worse. But yet, my feelings never disappeared. What certainly hadn’t disappeared was the growing number of scars on my arms. Once my stomach was completely covered it various sized and shaped lines, I moved to my arms. When shopping, I purchased some makeup and the foundation was great for covering scars and wounds. Luckily the weather was beginning to cool and I could wear long sleeved clothing.

“You done in the bathroom yet?” Phil asked, knocking on the door. I finished applying the last of my makeup before rolling the sleeves of my jumper down.

“Yea” I said as I placed my makeup away and opened the door for Phil. His hair was messy and skin pale, suggesting he had only just woke up. I smiled as he walked in and thanked me, locking the door as I walked down to my room. After hearing the familiar rush of water coming from the bathroom I knew Phil would be another half hour so I thought of things to keep me occupied. I entered my room and checked my phone which I had been syncing music to. There was still twenty minutes left so I jogged out of my room and to the living room.

“Bitch” Dan said as he waited for something to heat up in the microwave. I ignored his stare on me as I sat on the couch and held the TV remote in my hand. I waved my finger over the buttons before finding the correct one and pressing it. The screen turned on and soon I found myself watching some strange reality TV show. Of course, I wasn’t paying attention to it, rather to Dan’s presence meters away from me. It wasn’t like the comfortable presence of Phil in the hospital with me, rather a negative one that you were too scared to acknowledge.

The humming of the microwave stopped and the loud beep soon replacing it. I listened as Dan slowly took out lasts night’s leftovers from the microwave and opened various cupboards and drawers, collecting cutlery and other things I wasn’t sure of. I listened carefully until I heard footsteps getting closer towards me. I turned my attention back to the TV, ignoring Dan as he flopped down on the opposite couch.

“Give me the remote!” He yelled, making me jump. I bit my lip, why should I?What gives him the right to act so dominant? I shook my head and grasped the remote, not daring to look over at Dan.

“I said, give me the fucking remote” As much as I didn’t want to anger Dan, I didn’t want to give in. I deserved to be treated like a human, not a dog.

“Why should I?” For the first time, I looked over at Dan. His hands were fisted and nostrils flared. I gulped but showed no further signs of fear or submission.

“Seriously, fuck off! You should be happy that Phil’s even letting you stay here….. If it was me who found you, I would have left you to die” I felt a lump growing in my throat. There was no need to start another fight, Dan could quite easily go to his room and watch his own TV.

Dan’s P.O.V

I had to keep annoying her. I had to keep making her upset because she didn’t deserve any of this. She didn’t deserve to live with us. She didn’t deserve Phil’s time, or money, or space. She was just a waste and I wanted her gone. If Phil didn’t have the heart to kick her out, I knew I should make her want to. If she gets so sick of me bullying her she may leave and that was what I was hoping for.

Darcy’s P.O.V

As much as I was determined to win that battle with Dan, I just couldn’t. He would end up going too far and I wouldn’t be able to cope with that so I gave up. As I stood up, Dan glared at me. I dropped the remote on the floor in front of him and left the room, not saying a word.

Before I could even reach the entrance to the hallway, Dan gripped my wrist painfully, my wounds stinging and aching from under my sleeve. My heart was thumping rapidly against my ribcage, threatening to burst.

“What?” I spat, turning to face him. Dan’s eyes were red, pure anger. I tried to not panic, my body shaking uncontrollably. Dan was glaring at me so intensely that I couldn’t look away.

“Pick it up” He muttered. I didn’t reply, my concentration instead on trying to stop myself from crying or screaming for Phil.

“PICK IT UP!” He yelled and yanked my wrist causing me to fall to the ground. I was on my side, tears now building up in my eyes. I could physically feel Dan’s devilish stare on me, causing my lip to tremble and a tear to silently fall across my cheek and past my temple. I breathed out shakily and swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to stop more tears from escaping. I was absolutely terrified, so afraid Dan was going to hurt me.

“Now.” He ordered and I didn’t bother protesting. I got up on my hands and knees before crawling over to the couch where I had previously dropped the remote. Once in arms reach, I grabbed it and leaned onto the couch to help myself back up. Before I turned to face Dan again, I wiped the tears that had been trailing down my cheeks. I couldn’t let Dan see me cry again, I didn’t want to look any weaker than I already did.

Once I had regained my posture, I turned and looked at the ground. Dan was still at the doorway to the hall so I walked over and handed it to him on my way out. I couldn’t bare looking at him, I was so scared.

“Piece of shit” Dan said as I shuffled towards my room. The shower was still going and Phil probably wouldn’t be out for another while.

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