Freedom At Last!

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Darcy’s P.O.V

After spending days using my body from the waist up normally, it came the date in which I was to attempt at walking. The doctor said it may be painful but I was ready, I had spent far too long in that hospital bed and I wanted to walk. I wanted to go to the park and dance around the room listening to my favourite songs and hug Phil and compare my height to him. I wanted to meet Dan and see their apartment and do so many things and today would be my day to start, I was ready.

“You seem excited” Phil chuckled and I smiled at him.
“You should try staying in a hospital bed for nearly four weeks” Phil laughed and nodded.
“True...” He agreed, and waited a few minutes until the doctor walked in with a nurse, who stood at the door with a small smile.
“Good afternoon Darcy, Phil. Are you ready to give walking a go?”
“Yes!” I screamed making both the doctor and Phil laugh and shake their heads with disbelief.
“Alright then” I shoved the sheets off my body eagerly and moved my legs to the edge of the bed. I had been practising this for the last few days and I had also been moving my legs around as if I were walking, though really I was sitting.
“Okay, here I go…” I took a deep breath and grabbed the Doctors arm as well as Phil’s. A small amount of pain rippled through my ankles but I continued till both my ankles were firmly on the ground and I could stand still. My head was a bit dizzy, but it went away after a few seconds.
“You’re doing amazing so far” Phil assured me. I nodded and moved my foot slowly forward. I couldn’t lift them properly yet so I just dragged my feet instead.
“Phil?” I asked.
“Yeah?” He responded shortly after, looking slightly worried.
“I’m walking” Phil laughed and I moved my right foot, then my left then my right again until I reached the door and let go of Phil’s arm to open it.
“I’M WALKING!” The doctor placed a hand firmly on my back in case I was to fall over, obviously concerned as I had begun to speed up marginally.
“Now Darcy, I want you to try bend your knees as you walk” He said, and Phil stood on my opposite side, prepared to catch me if I fell.
“Okay...” In one go, I managed to lift my left knee and lean forward before placing it on the ground and doing the same with the right. I repeated the process till it was much smoother and resembled fairly normal walking.
“Next you will be running Darcy!” The doctor exclaimed.
“Don’t give her any ideas” Phil added quickly, making me giggle.
“Can I try on my own?” I asked. The doctor nodded and I let go of his hand, Phil standing even closer with his arms ready to swing forward and catch me. I just stood in the middle of the hallway for a few seconds, processing everything before I lifted my right leg and then my left and was walking down the hall by myself. I could see Phil with his hands open directly behind me but I tried to ignore him. I was walking. I WAS WALKING! I started laughing, causing the other nurses and doctors walking past me to send me strange looks, I didn’t care though, I was closer to freedom.
“I want to go outside” I said, I wasn’t asking for permission because I was doing it whether the doctor liked it or not. I wanted to see the sky, trees, flowers and birds. I wanted to smell fresh air.
“Fine, but you must come back in within a few minutes and Phil has to be with you at all times. No going past the fence at the end of the car park” Phil nodded and led me to the front doors of the hospital. He opened them and I felt the breeze cool my face as I admired my view of the sky.
“Phil, it’s so beautiful” I exclaimed and walked over to a little grass patch. As my foot made contact with the squishy ground, I couldn’t help but giggle as move my toes around in the tony green shoots.
“I love grass” Phil stood beside me chuckling as I found joy in the small things.
“Darcy, look!” he shouted and pointed at a bird which was jumping along the concrete in front of us.
“It’s so cute!” I shouted and watched it fly away. I gazed up at the sky and admired it. There were little blue patches here and there but the rest was clouds. I didn’t care though, I was free.

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