Ironic Love

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Darcy's P.O.V 

I changed silently in my room, my head too crowded with thoughts. That stupid grin still hadn't left my face and my cheeks were starting to ache. Dan and I... together? It was a dream come true! Dan loves me!  

I took my clothes off, replacing them with a long sleeved shirt and sweats. Although, I no longer was afraid of them seeing my scars, both Dan and Phil knew. There was a knock on my door and I finished putting some socks on, feeling cosy and warm again.  

"Want a towel?" Dan asked, holding one out for me. I nodded and thanked him, admiring the smile he also couldn't wipe off. I quickly dried my curly hair, Dan still waiting at the doorway.  

"You're so beautiful" He murmured and I felt my cheeks blush. He chuckled and I could feel his gaze on me. I had been wishing he would be like this around me for so long and now that it was happening, I just couldn't contain my happiness. The grin on my face grew larger and I finished with my hair. 

"I think the pizza is gonna be here soon" Dan said and I felt the bed sink down beside me, meaning he had sat down. I placed my towel on my lap and looked into his eyes, those beautiful eyes.  

"Shall we go back into the living room?" I asked, breaking the comfortable silence. Before Dan answered, his lips met mine again and it was as magical as the first time. After a few moments we both sat back, catching our breaths.  

"Why did you do that?" I asked, though I said it in a nice way rather than a protesting why. I loved kissing him, I loved hugging him. In fact, I just loved him.  

"Because now that we are finally together, I can do it whenever I like" I blushed. This was what I had always wanted. 

"Fair enough" I giggled and kissed him lightly on the cheek where his dimple was showing.  

"Alright, just because you're a couple doesn't mean you have to eat each other's faces off! Come on, pizza is here" Phil complained and Dan and I laughed, getting up to leave, the towel being forgotten on my bedroom floor.  

We ate comfortably, Phil asking us questions and Dan answering most as I was too hungry to bother. I was no longer anorexic, I had been weighing myself and I was just nearly normal weight which to me was an achievement. Also, it made me less self-conscious but I was sure Dan would be treating me like a princess anyway.  

"Darcy?" Phil asked, snapping me out of my thoughts once again. I was always zoned out and thinking about things so deeply.  

"When did you start, you know, having feelings for Dan?" I blushed, feeling Dan watching me. I looked up and faced Phil, clearing my throat.  

"Since the day I first saw him, when he walked past my room then got angry and yelled at you for bringing me home" There was silence. 

"You heard?" I nodded. 

"Yeah, but it's fine now! I mean, now I'm finally with Dan and nothing from back then matters anymore to me" I heard a quiet sigh of relief leave Dan's mouth. I only realised now that I hadn't told Phil about when Dan had abused me. I didn't think it was important or relevant but I would definitely have to tell him at some point. After all, he was my best friend and Dan was my boyfriend. Although, it was all in the past and I was thankful to say the least.  

"So I bring a girl home from the hospital and she gets with my best friend. Should have seen that one coming" We all burst into laughter and I nearly choked on my food. It was pretty ironic really, I mean, I was afraid of telling Phil about Dan in case he got angry and now he was joking around.  

"And who would have thought I would fall in love with my brothers best friend" I joked but felt my cheek blush and Dan hug me from his seat beside me.  

"I'm not complaining" He stated and Phil made a gagging noise from across the table.  

Over a month ago I was alone and depressed, not to mention broken and hopeless. But now I was a new woman and life was perfect.

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