Authors Note

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(Quick January 2016 update before you read the rest- being so many years older now, I know how god awful this story is. I know there are infinite faults and grammatical errors so I'm sorry about that. Blame a 12-13 year old author writing her first book)

Thank you all so much for reading this story, to you it may just be another book online, but to me it is one of my biggest achievement and the comments you all write make be so unbelievably happy! I will not be writing a sequel to those of you who have been asking for one... sorry! But I just wanted to share a few things in this note if that's okay with you :)

So embarrassingly enough, Splattered Paint was originally a Liam Payne fanfic that I uploaded in December 2012! It was originally called 'Her First Words' and Darcy was going to be mute after leaving the hospital. She was then going to live with Liam and slowly fall in love with him. At this point in time I already had another story mid-written called 'To Infinity and Beyond' which was also a Liam Payne fanfiction though I never finished it and deleted from my wattpad a few years ago because it was so shitty and was an embarrassment to my wattpad. To Infinity and Beyond reached about 600 reads, and I was super proud of it, even though it wasn't planned at all and was a total disaster!

So halfway through writing To Infinity and Beyond, I uploaded Her First Words, another Liam Payne fic. By this time I had been watching a few gamers on youtube for about 6 months, and stumbled upon a YouTube video of Dan and Phil's 'Amazing Dan' (the first vloggers I've watched) I actually only continued watching them because I thought they were a cute gay couple, and at that point in my life I was struggling with my own sexuality so I was intrigued! A few weeks later, upon finding out they weren't an open gay couple (Key word being openly ;) ) I decided I wanted to change Her First Words into a Dan and Phil fic. I then realized how different the story-line I had planned would be, I would have to change the entire plot so I decided just to make it a Danfic, even though I really wasn't fond of Dan or Phil hetero fics.

During the crappy times of my early teenage years (June 2016 update- When I was stupid and cringe and thought my life was the worst because I was growing up) I turned to music for escapism. My favourite song, and is probably still one of my favorites  after 3 years, was Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran. One of the lines goes 'Paint Splattered tear drops on my shirt' which, once swapping the words, gave me my title 'Splattered Paint'.

I have also uploaded the full short story called 'Give Me Love' which I wrote in the beginning of 2013, and every month I would re-edit it until It was perfect, pasting sentences from other one shots I had written and creating a piece that I finally shared with y'all after 2 years of keeping to myself. This story I first wrote whilst listening to Give Me Love, and was one long oneshot.

(Updated 25/07/2015) This is Emuley from the future, just letting you know I have started uploading chapters of my new book 'Vulnere' which is a post apocalyptic romance, and has subtle references to the game The Last of Us for fans. I'm super excited about this book, I'de say it would definitely appeal to people who watch The Walking Dead, or people who like romance and adventure. This book will be finished by the 30th of November (2015) as it is for NaNoWriMo!
(January 2016 update)- I am currently doing one last thorough edit of this book but hopefully by the end of the month you will have the whole things .

(June 2016 update)- lol no, I'm trying though

Moving on, a few trends in my comments of SP are fans of the TV series Bones, as some of you may know, the original doctor was called Dr Hodgons, although I have changed that now so he is nameless (sorry)! Also in the chapter 'Winter Walk' there are many comments of people singing frozen (thanks) And during the second quarter of the book there are countless comments of people screaming 'DAN YOU NEED A SNICKER'! So from that, I have named you all my little snicker babies! (Update January 2016)- I realise nearly two years later how condescending it was for me to 'name' the people who read this book as if you some cult and I am your leader. I regret it, let's move on and forget that ever happened. I am in no way above anyone and it was stupid of me to think you were some sort of following.

I used to be able to reply to all comments, but now I get quite a few each day and wattpad only notifies me of a few so I'm sorry I do not reply to you all :( I wish I could.

(June 2016 update)- This sounds extremely braggish, I hadn't intended for that. 

Speaking of comments, to those people angrily commenting that Dan and Darcy's relationship is abusive, no. It is severely abusive at the beginning of the story, but from the moment they become friends onward, there is no abuse. Yes the transition is rather sudden and quick, blame a 12-13 year old author, but their relationship is not abusive from that point on. I have not romanticised abuse, I am aware of how horrible and traumatic it is. If you dig deep into the psychology of it, you will find faults, and I repeat: I was 12-13 years old when I wrote this. I am now much older and can see how I failed to accurately represent Dan's thoughts and emotions.

I also want to say that I will never upload a hetero book of Dan and Phil again, I don't write Phan either. I'm at the age where I have almost 'grown out' of it. I still love Dan and Phil, but I am no longer a massive hard-core fan aswell, I couldn't write fan fiction about them. I am however planning two massive future stories that are not fanfics at all, which I think a lot of you may like, so if you want more from me then you don't have to wait much longer, and I hate to be a thirsty ass but following me would tell you when I upload a new story! :)

(June 2016 update)- I used to get requests all the time asking for certain things and I would decline, however, if y'all still want one-shots or whatever I am more than happy.

Lastly, I just wanna thank you all one last time for reading my story, and to those of you who actually read this Authors note, it means the absolute world to me which I know is so cliché but it's true. I've been writing since god knows how long and it is one of the only things I am good at, and I only know that because so many of you lovely people have told me! My dream is to publish a book and make a living off my writing (which in the country I live in is very rare and almost impossible) so thank you for starting my dream career for me, and giving me a taste of what it would be like if I ever achieve my goals.

And as always...

I luff you <3

Stay beYOUtiful


(June 2016 update)- Holy shit that outro is old and embarrassing. I promise to never use it again, sheesh. 

Splattered Paint - Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now